[hider=Kazuki Watanabe] [color=8dc73f]Name:[/color] Kazuki Watanabe [color=8dc73f]Age:[/color] 16 [color=8dc73f]Normal Appearance:[/color] [hider=] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/041/d/8/cute_anime_boy_x3_by_mika_uk-d4pa6mi.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=8dc73f]Brain Burst Installed/Brust Linker?:[/color] Yes [color=8dc73f]Avatar Appearance:[/color] [hider=Ribbit Ribbit] [img]http://img.ifcdn.com/images/bc8b5a8ab43dd84444f1e6eb0160ae0862f66eaeac55e97802e7b77dad044064_1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=8dc73f]Dueling Avatar Name:[/color] Jade Guardian [color=8dc73f]Dueling Avatar Appearance:[/color] [hider=Greeeeeeen] [img]http://animages.ru/screens/dwnld/1/image/bulat-green.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=8dc73f]Rank:[/color] Level 04 [color=8dc73f]Legion?:[/color] Yes, green [color=8dc73f]Personality:[/color] Kazuki is overall just a normal, nice guy. He often helps others who need it and have been called a 'pushover' many times. He also believes in the goodness of humanity. He believes that everyone has at least some good in them and always gives others the benefit of the doubt. This naivety has allowed many to take advantage of him, not that he minds or perhaps he is not aware of it. On the other hand, his personality is not like that in game. He is more aggressive and willing to fight for burst points. While he is still merciful and reluctant to bring a player to zero, he is not a total wimp. But that might be because he has a reason for staying in the game and needing the burst points. So if he had to take another player down to stay in the game, he will. He may have a heavy heart about it, but he will. [color=8dc73f]Biography:[/color] Kazuki lived with his mother and his grandmother after his father passed away in a work-related accident. They were not well of because his father was the bread-winner of the family and Kazuki's mother was now forced to take odd-jobs to try to keep food on the table. Kazuki wanted to help but his mother told him that school should be his priority first. So he attended high school like a normal kid while doing his best to help around the house with chores whenever possible. Kazuki had a childhood friend named, Saizo, who really helped cheered him up throughout all of this. It was because him that he was able to stay positive. One day, Saizo invited Kazuki over to his house and seemed pretty excited. He was excited about this game his upperclassman in his sport team introduced him to, called Brain Burst. He was making a really big deal out of it and Kazuki didn't understand why. He says that it's something that has to be experienced to understand anyways. So he installed the game for Kazuki and it was pretty cool. He became the Jade Guardian. Saizo taught him the basics and the two eventually joined the Greens. It was really fun, until Kazuki saw for himself what happened when someone's burst points reaches zero. Saizo had lost all of his burst points and from that point on, it was like he didn't even remember the game. No matter what Kazuki did or said, he really didn't remember. He couldn't even try to reinstall it into him. It just didn't work. Eventually, they began to drift apart. But Kazuki kept playing. He needed those burst points to stay ahead. He needed it to help him on his tests so he can get a scholarship to a good university and eventually get a good job to take care of his family. [color=8dc73f]Other:[/color] He likes to tend his cacti in his free time. [/hider]