[quote=@tsukune] ...Rather than elemental [i]elemental[/i], you gay. [/quote] [quote=@Mr Allen J] No you're gay [/quote] You guys are all so gay it rubbed off onto my character; incidentally, I'm almost done with my sheet, in the 'totally not' kind of way. Her backstory and powers are pretty much the only sections remaining, but those are, of course, [s]gay as hell[/s] [i]time-consuming[/i]. When I say "friction exacerbation" (read: human matchstick, but, like, not as one-note), is there anything you'd prefer I avoid? Like, considering the one kinetic energy dude's abuse of artistic liberties, and all--I'd rather not go down in RP history. Aside from the obvious "don't level a fucking building with one punch, you idiot."