[center] Both Clara and Christian had watched the transformation before them, and Clara had only shifted a little closer to him. He'd noticed her apprehension and unease, partially wondering what the cause was. He knew this wasn't the most ideal situation, but Clara had been the one to lead him here. Her reluctance to being there was almost a surprise. Although, he had an inkling of the cause, Christian hadn't quite gotten an answer out of Clara just yet, nor had he the idea to ask her, knowing full well it would spark another argument and it simply wasn't the time for her brashness to come into light – not with all of these strangers around, ones whom she clearly was not accustomed to just yet. At the mention of a revolt, Christian had sighed and ran his hand through his hair as he leaned back in his chair. Wonderful – If Clara knew anything about Christian, it was that he'd learned to lie low throughout all of his years. He'd made his allies, knew his friends, and attempted to steer clear of making many enemies. Clara had been thankful for that, however, it only added to her need for isolation. Now, shoved together with this group of people whom she still did not know other than a few short words between them, she wanted to run. Christian knew he should have tended to his business and taken Clara elsewhere. Coming back to this town had been a massive mistake, he was learning day by day. Not only did it bring more trouble than he had asked for, he had that same suspicion that the man Clara had been lingering around for the past week or so, had indeed been her sire. Curious though – how the man was still standing, and Clara still could stand at least being around him. He'd wondered about that – and perhaps it was the only thing that gave him doubt. "I agree- " Christian murmured after Kieran spoke, coming to a stand with the others. "It's better to regroup come morning." Clara wasn't sure how she felt in that moment, watching Christian interact once more with Kieran – let alone having all of them trapped under the same roof. No, there probably wouldn't be much sleep that night, at least for her. Still, she followed behind everyone else, close to Christian and far from the others. Eventually, they'd found their own rooms and Clara had made sure Christian was close. He'd paused at his own door for a moment. "Are you alright?" "I'm fine – why?" Clara suddenly bit out, her arms crossed over her chest. Christian had only raised a brow in return and Clara sighed. "I just don't like new places is all" A lie. "Forget about it." "..Whatever you say, darling. I'm sure we'll figure all of this out come morning." He assured her and leaned over to give her a kiss on her forehead. "Try to get some sleep tonight…" Clara had only brushed him off and turned from him without another word to head into her own room. She'd shut the door behind her and leaned against it momentarily to scan her new room with a slow sigh. It was going to be a long night – and hell, it was probably going to be a long time before they sorted it all out. She had a sneaking suspicion that she was going to be stuck around here for longer than she'd like – and honestly, there were no opportunities to seek out whichever revenge she'd formerly planned – not while she was having to save his ass so often; not while so many people were around, and Ryanair continued to see out his constant attention. The girl frowned as she pushed herself away from the door and moved to plop herself down on the bed, curling up on her side. No; sleep wouldn't come to her so easily that night – not with her mind racing. [/center] [@Arista]