[b]Name:[/b] Coal Miner [b]Appearance:[/b] Coal is a gangly young man with a bulbous bobble-head and a sour expression. He has spiky brown hair and a haughty attitude. He wears plate armor that is too large for his build and makes him look like he is swimming in it. [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Former Profession:[/b] Coal miner [b]Skill:[/b] -Getting his butt kicked... seriously! He is known for bringing enemies to the point of exhaustion when they attempt to kill him. -Munchkin: collects, rents, purchases, and uses trinkets and toys that give him an edge. [b]Personality:[/b] -Assertive (doesn't wait for permission) -Autonomous (Doesn't need help from anybody) -Clever -Cynical -Driven (to reach greatness) -Unscrupulous (Doesn't follow social or cultural restraints) -Cleaning Commando (Obsessed with order and cleanliness) -Jealous [b]History:[/b] Coal mined coal from the mine for many years, but was never really satisfied with the work or the pay. Fortunately for him, he hasn't ever been one for cowering in fear or waiting for permission to change things. Because of this, his grandfather taught him how to fight the undead... when he tried to eat Coal's brain. This incident gave him an idea... why not kill [i]living [/i]things and get gold and glory for it? Well, he was short and lanky, and his head was big and wobbly, and he acted as if the world smelled like onions tossed in the garbage that had a day in the summer sun to gain some potency. So nobody really wanted him. However, Coal knew that somewhere there was always rock bottom, sweet and glorious rock bottom... a place that a coal miner had to dig upward to reach. It was a toss-up between becoming a bandit or a city guard. The bandits weren't really recruiting at that time (I think they just told him that.) And the city guard had paid time off. The recruiters were a little shocked and surprised when someone showed interest in joining. So he was tossed into the mix without so much as a resume, reference, or background check; ready to be torn apart by any dangers that might lurk on the street. [hider=Writing Sample]It is difficult to say exactly what was the worst division of the guard. The bottom of the barrel was pretty broad especially since people stopped paying attention to those losers that couldn't cut it. However, in all evaluations aside, Coal was considered among them. One could hope that it was substandard performance, but that was not the case. He was actually pretty clever. No, Coal's problem was that he was highly allergic to butt-kissing. The last butt he had to kiss required a stay at the house of healing... not for him though, but for the poor supervisor that he kicked so hard he broke the man's coccyx. That was one of his more endearing traits, he didn't follow any laws or any social restrictions. Sure, he had no need to be arrested but that was because he simply tended himself and was no predator as laws were intended to curb. However, his decision to behave this way was his alone, and he would have had no problem ignoring any sort of decree if it was counter to his self-regulation. This, of course lead to trouble. People pointed fingers at him for not being nice, not being professional, didn't say things the way they wanted them said, and altogether was not being the person they wanted him to be. He didn't care, so of course this lead to sheer terror of his superiors whenever a politician or a noble or a member of the bards were anywhere in the vicinity. So, for two years lieutenants passed Coal from one to another, trying to sneak him in with valuable guards, like a parent would hide vegetables in an acceptable dish to trick their children into a healthy diet. Or they would bargain and trade off. The tough love lieutenants found him to indifferent to drum out and too snarky to intimidate, and the soft fluffy ones found that he bulldozed over them. They wanted to get rid of him, but with acceptance of everyone everywhere, how could they? Especially when they had no legal grounds. He really hadn't settled in at all. It was a sad story of solitude and loneliness. It is really too bad the fellow didn't really care.[/hider]