[center]Ynez awake to her mouth tasting of cotton, and the sickly-sweet smell of bacon and pancakes filling her nose. The Alpha gingerly shifted on the king-sized bed Kieran had laid her on, she paused when a soft whine reached her ears. Her packmates were awake and watching her with worried eyes and fattened ears. They expected punishment. With a huff, she lowers herself back amongst the sheets and allows a whimper to escape her lips. She'd healed during the night but her strength wasn't one-hundred percent yet, her Pack were on her immediately. Cool noses pressed against the now healed wounds, warm-rough tongues licked at her cheeks and fingers. Ynez allowed herself a few moments more of rest, before sitting up and slipping off the bed. She paused when she spotted a bag before the bathrooms door, her head tilting when a note caught her eye. [i]This should be enough clothes for you all, if you need more let me know. ML~[/i] It read and the Alpha couldn't help but smile, it was hard to believe she had vampires has friends. Turning to her pack, she gestured to the bag and then the bathroom. “Pick a set of clothes and then all of you are to shower, we'll join them down for breakfast and not cause trouble.” Her words were pitched low but the command was clear, she received five nods and with a smile she turned and entered the bathroom. An hour later found the Pack dispersed in both the [url=http://www.diningroundtable.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Large-Dining-Room-Table.jpg] dining room[/url] and the [url=http://cdn.homedit.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/create-several-sitting-area-in-living-room.jpg] sitting room [/url] with plates of food in hand. Ynez was dozing with a empty coffee cup in her hands, her head resting against the arm of the couch. ○~○~○~○~○~○ Kieran noted that clothed had been provided for the Pack as he made his way into the sitting room. Ryanair had stayed in the kitchen to talk with Isabela, Kieran didn't say anything aside from offering the elder female with a kiss on the cheek. He paused when he found Ynez dozing on a couch, a male was gently pulling a mug from her hands. Usually such an action would have any wolf awake, it just showed how exhausted the Alpha really was. Kieran nodded to the male and took a seat with a plate in hand, the others wolves offered him waves or nods before returning to their own food. “Trouble seems to find you doesn't it?” The question had the vampire turning his head, Esther was seated beside him with a frown on her lips. Kieran sighed and returned to eating his pancakes, his movements stiff with anger. He didn't like having to leave him his, he had an inkling Ryanair was questioning Isabela on the state of the town. The kids thankfully had opted to stay with Wolff, a request that made Kieran smile as well as deflate a bit. They were fine and had given him their vows that they would behave and not run around the house, though he couldn't blame them if they did. “I've made friends and alias, I've made it a point to keep out of other people's hair. So why is it that this happening now?” He asks the noble beside him, his meal no longer holding his interest. Esther sighed softly from beside him and ruffled her skirts before answering. “I don't think it's you. Our world's aren't as stable they used to be and others are panicking. If humans found out any of us existed, a war would break out and even if we'd be likely to win the humans are vital to our survival. It's a game of chance and with this move, the balance we've had for centuries is tediously close to breaking.” Her words were right and he knew it, Kieran just wanted some peace for more than a week. He'd lied too long a life to want constant moving or fighting. So the question now was, what was the next best move?[/center] [@earlymorninstar]