[quote=LoneSilverWolf] We do have hiders, friend xD First off, nice post, love the points you made, and I can say that while I've only had one online relationship and it ended as badly as it possibly could, I have a few REALLY REALLY good friends online. One whom I've adopted as a sister really--we talk ALL the time, we share personal shit that I've never told anyone except my...guess I can call her ex-girlfriend now :(....So I do believe you can not only have strong relationships online, but strong friendships too! Great points, and well stated.Now about the hiders--just type[hider]stuff here[/hider]OR [/quote] I know how the hider code works :P Thanks for reminding me it is in fact up though. I just forgot Mahz got around to adding it to the site... Which was really dumb of me cause now I remember using it here before. -.- I've been up for 30 hours though with 2 hours sleep, I'm gonna be off a bit... :/ (I would sleep, if my body let me). Also to clarify what I said in regards to the friends. They weren't online, they were from High School. Also, I wasn't trying to say it wasn't possible to have both. I know fully well it is, and we were close back then even. What I was trying to say was that when in the relationship all my priorities were around that, I had always treated my friends as secondary which I really regret doing. Though oddly enough when I try apologizing to them for it they say that I shouldn't be saying sorry. That I should of been making her my top priority since she was my girlfriend and all. :P