[@Dark Eternity] Sweet. If you want a condensed version, the backstory basically goes like this: [list] [*]Was trained in use of the Ripple for most of his life by his parents, who are both Ripple masters; [*]His parents told him not to tell others that he could use the Ripple or to use it on others; [*]He decided "screw that" and began routinely beating the crap out of bullies throughout his school life; [*]Teachers mostly wrote off his actions since they didn't really hurt innocents, including adapting to get him to do school well academically; [*]Parents got fed up with his rebelliousness and kicked him out of the house at 19; [*]People didn't want to hire a guy who was known for being violent, and he ended up in a gang led by a psychopath; [*]He quickly beat up the psychopath until they fled, took his place as gang leader, and reformed it into a group to help the community; [*]The psychopath returned as a vampire, turned a large chunk of the gang into zombies, then got melted by the Ripple along with his army; [*]Nick is now on the prowl for people to help return his group to its former size, as well as other protectors capable of wielding the Ripple themselves. [/list] EDIT: I've added the condensed backstory to my sheet, and hidden it and the full version in hiders so they don't take up too much extra space.