[center]No one batted an eyelash as Christian enter the room, Esther blinked her eyes and a smile slipped on her lips he was older than her should could tell, but he was kind. It was a bit strange really, placing her cup on the table beside the couch she rose and offered him her hand. “Esther Astana, a pleasure to meet you as well.” She stated after a moment of pondering. Kieran noted that she was slightly tense and the smile on her lips was forced somewhat, he rose and offered his own hand to Christian as well. It was best to defuse a situation before it could get out of hand. The sound of an annoyed huff distracted him from answering the male, it seemed Ynez was awake. The Alpha blinked her glassy eyes and sat upright, her brunette hair falling in waves at her side. “I guess I should introduce all of us, my name is Ynez Hallowell. We're known as the Hallow pack, it's a pleasure to meet you.” With those words, Ynez rose to her bare feet and bowed. The other five of her pack did the same before the female straightened and a grin split her face. “Hey Kieran I noticed you have a new one as well as kids. Hm….would you be up for a spare?” The male blinked and he only noticed then that Ryanair was standing beside him. It was a distraction and he had to think about it for a moment. The sound of feet thundering from above and then down the stairs pulled his head up and to the noise. Three smiling faces met him and he allowed them to crash into his legs, patting their heads he finally answers Christian. “It's fine, hopefully his won't last too long. As for Clara well...best to leave her be I'd say. How about it Ry, you up for it?” The flare of giddiness was answer enough, though Ryanair answered with a laugh underlying his voice. “Sure, let's see who's better.” He said as Ynez and her pack moved forward, the kids only then noticed the others in the room. Three pairs of curious eyes found the wolves and before questions could be asked, Ryanair hoisted Tyre up and jogged out of the room. Kieran snorted softly and turned as well, his eyes meeting green-blue eyes as the flash crimson. He takes off with Wythe and Isaac at his heels, the children laughing when they noticed the others flowing them. Maybe it was time to come clean. They'd probably notice when they sparred, these kids were much to perceptive for their ages. As they headed for the indoor pool/training space Kieran didn't much mind the conversation.[/center] [@earlymorninstar]