It's up! My apologies, I was busy for most of these recent days—but I still managed to get something quite sizeable out today! The beginning might be a little sloppy, I don't know, I wasn't entirely satisfied. It gets better towards the end though! My main goal with this was giving multiple perspectives. There's the warden, who wants to break free of the Templar influence at all costs, there's Emerico who is ever-cautious and curious, there's Rodrigo who is getting rather upset because of a certain Assassin... Along those lines, I also tried to keep the connection firm but still flowing between the story and our own world. Ezio [i]is[/i] out there—his attention is just focused elsewhere for now. Also, as you can see I gave you freedom to get your characters set up however you wish and detail the last prison scenes as much as you'd like. Though the death-faking was their idea, I thought it was pointless to have four people march to the warden—it wasn't that complicated of a task. Even still, our posts might have to shorten now that we're all together and there will be plenty of interaction. We'll see how it turns out! For now, we have to decide on the first mission. You can set it up if you wish or you can have another smaller thing happen first if you have something in mind. Up to you! Oh and, of course...enjoy and tell me what you think of it all!