[hider=An heiress without an inheritance...][center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDQXGuZUsAAMZxC.png[/img] [h1][color=00aeef]Emmaline Irons[/color][/h1][/center] [h3]Race[/h3] High Elf [h3]Age[/h3] 31 [h3]Appearance[/h3] 5'6 | (With Prosthetics) 125 lbs. | 75 lbs. (Without Limbs) [h3]Former Profession[/h3] Drug Dealer [h3]Skills[/h3] [u]Kinetic Magic[/u] - Emmaline has studied kinetic magic as her field of study; as opposed to developing the capacity to project greater volumes of force, she has learned how to channel her magic with greater finesse and control. This proves especially useful with controlling her prosthetic limbs and smaller objects like locks, but especially useless when confronted with things most other mages would consider a trifle to do. She can't slow someone's fall, should they choose to jump off a building, nor can she deflect projectiles any larger and slower than a baseball-sized rock. In fact, she's probably capable of a little less than any normal person because of the amount of mana she spends on a daily just getting around. [u]Thespian Lifestyle[/u] - Emmaline is no stranger to acting. Prior to the all the ass-kicking she got, Emmaline retained 2 different identities across the three economic classes. While publicly well-regarded as a contender for the Irons inheritance to the outside world, those embroiled in criminal activity know her as a formidable kingpin. Both of these identities were destroyed when she was "neutralized" after a particular fumble. She has no qualms with creating new identities, and is capable of conjuring up a number of different acts on the spot. [u]Drinking and Drugging[/u] - Be it spirits or brews, powders snorted or consumed, prescription or under the table, Emmaline has created a few devious tricks and cheats to increase the amount of narcotics she can take before succumbing to its effects. Emmaline can take the same amount of drugs, narcotics or otherwise, as two full-grown Orcs can before becoming buzzed, doped, or high. Poisons, delivery through injection, or delivery through inhalants do not apply and affect her as normally as they do any other High Elf. [h3]Personality[/h3] As with any normal person at the end of their rope, Emmaline is snappy, irritable, and hypocritical. Though she was once harsh and fair to her subordinates in the criminal world (the latter, in more ways than one), the years spent watching her life fall apart has made her vain and child-like. Under the more immediate pressures of life, death, and justice, she diligently attends to her work, but it would seem that "fun" and "entertainment" have become lost ideas her mind. Instead, she spends her free time bereaving the loss of her former life, if not conjuring up a myriad of ways to retake what was once hers. On any particularly good day (in this case, good means that she's one step closer to finding out who exactly hired the hit on her), Emmaline takes a completely different turn in personality. She becomes calmer and less reserved; she may be inclined to answer questions, as opposed to deflecting them entirely. [h3]History[/h3] Sir Walter Irons was an eccentric man. Affluent philanthropist, investor of several failed magical products, undefeated pugilist in several fighting organizations, janitor of both the Palace and the Chapel (he was fired from the Palace after slapping a noblewoman in the face with mop, and then was excommunicated from the Chapel after slapping her again in the face with a wet cloth), and most notably the head of the Irons Collective, an international group of mining and trading entities that dominated the markets for all things metal. He was only 25 at the height of his success. On the eve of his birthday, his little countryside cottage burned down to the ground, and all means of contact ceased to exist. Many investigators were hired by his subordinates to search for him, but nothing came about. No corpse was found, no evidence about any departure of any sort, nothing. After about eight years of searching, he was finally declared dead, and his appointed executor was handed his will. A will, it would seem, that was written four years after his disappearance. It instructed that in the city of King's Knell, there was a high-elf slave that was branded with the Irons' insignia across her face. She was found to be in the possession of the then-Asmogian Chapel as a ward. She continued living in the Chapel after the visit of the executor and the downfall of the demons, but was mandated to be tutored day in and day out by a slew of different instructors. By the time she was 12, her education was finally over, and Emmaline, as the will titled her, was finally free to go where she pleased. Not that she ever did. As she was leaving to another, safer city, the carriage flipped over by a group of orcs. The cabby was killed, a small sum of the inheritance was taken, and Emmaline found herself again in a state of slavery. Once they found out she had no family from which to ransom, they took her to their client : some twisted thing between a dark elf and a demon. It was there that she was ordered to smuggle a few drugs into the venues around King's Hill with the help of her extravagant clothing. She did so for a few weeks, and was then sold to what she could only remember as the Boarding House, an amalgam of sweatshops and drug labs inhabited and run by elves of all kinds. It was here that she slept and ate as life returned some bout of normalcy. To maintain residency within the Boarding House, Emmaline would enroll herself into the Mages' Guild and study magic day in and day out. In exchange for her "safety", she was to smuggle not drugs, but notes and lessons, which she scratched into her skin. As opposed to manipulating things like fires or liquids or the very earth itself, Emmaline kept her focus solely to kinetics even long after her mentors focus changed. She was expelled from the guild, however, when a classmate pushed one of her notes outside the window with a gust of air. The offending student, on the other hand, was never heard from again. The Landlord was obviously disappointed and angry, and planned on evicting her. Emmaline was more than ready to divulge information about her inheritance, but didn't. One of the residents stepped in and asked to take her in as a drug dealer. After all, Emmaline [i]did[/i] carry out some of the most heavily-guarded secrets in the city, so there was some promise that she indeed did have the knack for "distributing assets". So it came to be that Emmaline became a regular worker for the Boarding House. As she was instructed to distribute in the higher echelons, she had to build up a name for herself, and so she became the owner of a textile company as a front. She kept up this double-life of hers for a time, each year gaining more and more responsibilities and freedom that came with higher seats of power. At one point, she considered pursuing her inheritance once again, since she already had a ring of her own smugglers doing her job for her. The idea was shot down soon enough, though, once she realized she already commanded a great deal of her own wealth. On the way to a banquet of sorts, during another routine job, she was attacked and kidnapped. The kidnappers, who varied in features from race to walks of life, all took their turn torturing her before they reached a consensus to cut off all her limbs before sealing her nubs shut. Once they had done so, they incinerated her arms, legs, and clothes before tossing her out into the front of the Boarding House to watch it burn. No desired ransom, no stated motive. It didn't make much sense then, nor did it ever now. She crawled her way towards the Mages' guild and commissioned their services to create a set of prosthetics that could be manipulated using kinetic magic, and paid in credit for her own set. With some borrowed clothes and her newly-made limbs, she was presentable enough to receive her inheritance, that she might pay off her debts to the guild. It would've been a decent starting-over story, if only she could receive anything. The teller told her that she had already taken the amount right on the day she was attacked and kidnapped. Without the funds to pay off her limbs, there was little choice but to go into public service for the guard until she could pay off her debts. It would've been fine if she was anywhere else, but as Fate would have it, she was put into the service of 22nd Cleaver Street. It's been five years since then, and her debts, paired with her love for all things alcohol, doesn't seem to be shrinking anytime soon...[/hider]