[center]“That's something I feel needs to be addressed but not right now. Now, souks you like to swim?” He directed the first part to Christian but the last to the kids, wide eyes met his and he knew the answer. “Swim!” They chirped happily, Kieran chuckled softly and held open the double doors that led into the [url=http://www.freshpalace.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/House-Dnepropetrovsk-Ukraine-Indoor-Pool-Jacuzzi-Lighting.jpg]large room[/url]. The wolves dispersed and he saw two open the doors leading into the backyard, he turned to the three bouncing kids. He crouched down and smiled when they faced him, he had a bit of a dilemma on his hands. “I can watch them if you'd like, my name is Dyson.” The voice pulled his mind to the present, the vampire turned to the owner. The male that stood before him was tanned and had wavy black hair, his posture was relaxed and his eyes were warm. Kieran blinked and turned to face the kids, they wee waiting for his say-so. He hummed softly and rose to his feet, his gaze locked on the werewolf’s. “Behave. And if you need anything I'm right out here.” He stated after a moment, Ryanair having moved to join the others outside. The wolves seemed surprised by the fact that the grass as lush, Ynez’s raised brow had him elaborating with a smile on his lips. “It's something that came with the house when I bought it, the ground here and at another few places around the house are heated. We don't need it but it adds something of a relaxed feel, now then how should we do this?” At the question, everyone tensed in preparation. There were an uneven amount of people, then again Kieran wasn't sure if Christian would like to participate. He glanced up when he spotted a male wolf beginning his shift, his mouth opened to warn him but Ynez beat him to it. Her fist slapped the back of his head and he stilled, Esther huffed and lifted her hair so she could tie it into a bun. Isabela was inside and seemed content to stay there, Ryanair was observing everyone present with a smile on his lips. Kieran removed his jacket and tossed it on the chair, his fingers rolling his sleeves up to his elbows. Ynez was rolling her shoulders, the dress she wore seeming not to matter. He found everyone was getting really into the sparing match. Kieran reached for the pull at the back of his mind and gave it a little tug, he didn't try to hide his excitement at the upcoming match-ups. Clara might benefit from this as well, Kieran noted he could feel her exhaustion and it sent a pang if guilt down his spine. Taking a slow with her would either end up good or bad, the older vampire was hoping for the latter.[/center] [@earlymorninstar]