[center] At Kieran's response, Christian had raised a brow, but had not answered in return. What an odd way to answer him – considering it left more to the imagination than he desired. Still, he kept calm, and his hands remained in his pockets as he walked with the group. If this was her sire – well, not only would he still be entirely surprised that Clara hadn't given him a lashing; he would have to contain himself as well. Not only were his actions incredibly reckless those so many years ago, they were thoroughly irresponsible. He'd no idea what it had done to Clara – more so mentally than anything else. He knew nothing of those sleepless nights – the pure anger and pain – the sheer struggle of keeping her under control and keeping her from trying to destroy herself all in the same. No; he really had no idea what he'd left in his wake that night. Christian had been the one to save her – and he would continue. Yes – it definitely would be a discussion that Christian would not allow to pass them by. He'd followed them all, eyeing his surroundings absentmindedly before they'd all stepped outside. Perhaps he could use a good fight at the moment – perhaps it would do him some good not to dwell on where his mind was taking him. He'd followed suit, rolling his sleeves carefully as each person had gotten prepared and had taken their spot. Clara had only been a few short minutes behind. She'd nearly growled at that familiar pull urging her along to be with the group. She could do things on her own – she didn't need to be forced along the way. As the girl found her way towards the group, she hadn't even glanced towards Kieran, focused only on Christian whom she'd been surprised to see was mingling quite well – and clearly was ready to take part in whatever they had in mind. "What the hell are you doing?" Clara hissed under her breath as she reached him. Christian had only sighed and rolled his shoulders and head side to side for a moment. "Everyone has decided to have a little sparring match." He commented. "Now I know you've never turned me down, so I hope you plan to join us…" Clara frowned in return, her brow furrowed as she stood next to him. "...Whatever, Christian..." If it gave her the opportunity to kick someone's ass, then so be it… She probably could use a good fight to get her mind off of things. Hell, she'd rather go after Ryanair before anything involving Kieran would probably include someone having to pry her away. [/center] [@Arista]