[quote=@Inertia] Well here goes! If anything is a bit off, do tell me. [hider=Jack][center][img]http://www.gamesaktuell.de/screenshots/970x546/2015/02/_1423619251.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1]Jack Peterson[/h1][/center] [indent] [center][b]Age:[/b] 23[/center] [center] [b][b][i]Personality[/i][/b][/b] [/center] Jack personally feels that his 'god-given powers' is a curse rather than a gift as it caused him more trouble than benefits in the past. That's not to say that he [i]won't[/i] use or shy away from his powers, in-fact he tries to use it to it's utmost potential at any given moment because it would be a complete waste to not do so seeing as his power were the root of his problems. This would mean that he trains and tries to find the most effective method to sufficiently use his powers without, well, killing himself. On the island he usually doesn't seek 'dominance', 'fame' or 'territory', preferring just to keep to himself. However he has no qualms with defending himself as he doesn't like being stepped on, and on extreme cases even kill if it means he'd save his own life, or the lives of people he deems close friends. Other than that, he is usually carefree and lazy, bordering almost on apathy. He would prefer to spend the day lazing about, keeping to himself and enjoying the presence of silence. If it weren't for his 'gift' then he would be one of the most mundane, and normal-ish citizen that one would find. When interacting with others, he usually has a snarky attitude, hiding behind sarcasm and quick wit when conversing with others. Many people probably wouldn't be able to stand his brutal and sincere honesty. [center] [b][b][i]Biography[/i][/b][/b] [/center] His life before being sent to no-man's land was... pretty normal. He had two normal, caring parents. He led a life of normalcy, and there was almost nothing of note during his childhood. Except one event, of course. He was about 18 when it happened, he was walking home with one of his friends when he was held up at knife-point. The man was clearly on drugs as his beady red eyes swam between Jack and his friend. Jack even wondered why the man would hold up highschool students who most likely had no valuables on them. Nonetheless, the man spoke fast and frightened. He demanded both of them drop all their belongings, to which they complied. While Jack's friend was carefully and slowly taking off his wallet and watch, Jack did it 'hastily' out of fear. The masked man didn't react well, and shouted at the scared boy whilst swiping his blade at him. The man cut his cheek, and blood started to seep out slowly. Jack's eyes widened in disbelief, and suddenly, the blood came under his control, he used it to swat the man's knife away. The masked assailant promptly ran away, calling Jack a monster under his breath. Fortunately though, his friend didn't see from his point of view, only seeing the man running away in terror. He called Jack a 'bad-ass' for managing to instill the fear of 'man' in him, to which he replied with a short and lifeless laugh. --- Fast forward to a few years later, where Jack had come to terms with his 'gift' and was training for proper use, as one day he predicted and accepted that he would actually get caught and either killed or sent away. As predicted, another incident occurred, one where a man had tipped that he was a superhuman. One wouldn't have to guess where this 'anonymous tip' had come from. A manhunt had swiftly taken place, and a whole sweep of the neighborhood took place. His parents tried to hide him, being kind as they were, but Jack refused, preferring no one to be caught in the crossfire. So he gave himself up willingly. The Upper echelons decided he wasn't a threat, and shipped him off to the 'island'. Now with his hands cuffed he waits to arrive on the island. [hr] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/f6bd71e34617366a8f9fa3002ddca536/tumblr_ngda8lzV0H1ts7obso2_250.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [b]Description:[/b] [center] [b][b][i]Hemokinesis[/i][/b][/b] [/center] The power to be able to manipulate and shape one's own blood. It can be shaped into any construct, anything that Jack can imagine, limited by his body's natural blood volume. He can only manipulate his own blood, and any foreign blood inserted within him needs to circulate around his body once so that he can manipulate and control it. His own blood has corrosive properties when injected into or sprayed against another opponent. Fortunately his blood type is AB+ so he can use everyone's blood type. [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*][b]Shaping[/b] - He can shape blood from any wound that is either self-inflected or not. The blood can take shape into almost anything- ranging from a sharp short sword, a make do shield, or even mid-ranged attacks in the form of sharp, arrow-like structures and many more. To inflict wounds on himself, he carries around a small razor, usually cutting on either palms. [*][b]Clotting[/b] - Since he can directly control his blood, he can forcefully clot his own wounds, either when he deems necessary (such as when the fight is over) or closing dangerous wounds. However, if the wound is big enough, it is possible that he would not have enough energy to close. [*][b]Hardening[/b] - He can harden his blood on any part of his body, mostly used to limit the damage down by blunt objects to himself. The part of the body that's hardened usually has a reddish-hue about it. [/list] [b]Limitation[/b] The biggest limitation is his body's natural blood volume. While certainly his body does try to produce blood much faster than the average person, hence his body's natural blood volume is higher than normal. However, overexertion of his powers can cause him to be fatigued, which is the case whenever he uses his blood as projectiles. Further usage can result in lethargy and eventually lose of consciousness. Utmost concentration is also necessary, as changes in his mental state can affect his control, either for better or for worse. This means that his precision, distance and mass depends on Jack entirely, if he miscalculates and use a little too much blood he can get fatigued in a fight and more than likely, lose it. [hr] [/indent] [/hider] [/quote] Looks good, put 'im in with the rest of the animals.