[center][img] http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/cooltext120130320062345_zpszewpgnd8.png [/img][/center] Rain on the other hand was in two minds about the trip. The colder climate suited her perfectly and the setting vaguely reminded her of her home back in the mountainous ranges of RĂșnboreal. Unfortunately between the noise, the odd contraptions and the watchful eyes of supervisory staff, Rain couldn't decide if she liked the resort or not. Right now, she was airing on the side of dislike. Having been coerced outside with the others, she was stood out in the snow in a layer of [i]thermal[/i] clothing after being told to wrap up or stay in. [color=gray]"Right! Lets get you up to the top of these slopes!"[/color] Rain had no idea who the lady speaking to them was but her sunny disposition irked her more than the constricting snow boots she was wearing. [color=gray]"Our best bet of getting everyone up there before the last call is to pair up...so you go with you and..."[/color] The woman's voice faded from Rain's mind as she was handed a pair of ski's...which judging by the clueless look on her face, were a completely foreign concept to her. [color=skyblue]"What the-"[/color] She huffed [color=skyblue]"How even..."[/color] [color=gray]"And you two, at the back there!"[/color] The jovial woman pointed at Andromeda and then Rain. Rain's eyebrow hitched up as she glanced over at Andromeda, looking the other girl over before focusing her eyes on her ski's, no doubt in the hope she would be able to find out the ski's purpose...well, the students were the only ones in the resort, for safety purposes. [color=gray]"Okay everyone, lets head to the lifts! Don't forget to stick with your buddy!"[/color] With that the happy woman clapped her hands and started off towards the ski lifts...not that Rain was paying her any mind. [color=skyblue]"Looks like you're stuck with me Andro...[i]lucky you[/i]"[/color] Rain announced, giving Andro a tight lipped smile that dripped with as much sarcasm as the last two words of her sentence.