So, I came up with a plant-bender. Hope he's alright. [hider=Rico Larmés] [centre] [hr][img][/img][hr] [img],/emblema-one.regular.png[/img] [/centre] [indent]An ordinary, middle-class family and a stable business that had them selling potted plants and the like for a living. What more could the boy ask for? Up until his teenage years, he's had the time of his life growing his own greens in the comfort of the woods that had their house secluded from the rest of society for a few miles or so. But one should ask, why was gardening such a great deal of fun for this guy? Well you see, cultivating them was not the focus here - it was rolling 'em up and smoking the damn joints with his buds. To him, it was the fucking [i]bomb[/i] diggity. In the day, he worked hard alongside his parents in maintaining their delicate flora. At night, he paraded through the shadiest cul-de-sac, handing out the 'goods' to anyone who boasted a heavy wallet and a couple hunned fiddies. Money had never come to anyone in their family easier, so it was a pleasant surprise to find that his green thumb was remarkably more effective than the rest of his family's. The rapid growth and excellent endurance the vegetation experienced with him in the vicinity earned the recognition of his parents, along with their rapidly increasing customer base. With him, the flowers flourished, and so did their business. Of course, the boy never had his powers extend to anything further than the regular gardening and plant-keeping. Watering hydrangeas and caring for his marijuana garden had become his life support. However, good things had to come to an end. It all began with some motherfucker telling on his ass, after Rico refused to sell the young boy some goddamn weed. He figured it was the least he could do to salvage what was left of his morality. Housing and selling marijuana was not something he was proud of, so he could have at least done this in favor of said young boy's parents. That same plan came back and bit him in the ass, hard. It was true - the road to hell can also be paved with good deeds. Cuffs were slapped onto him faster than he could bribe his way out of prison, to his dismay. The boy's parents were heartbroken, but both parties knew that the dangers of being found out was practically damnation compared to being thrown into a cell for a couple of years. The inevitable came to pass when the officers who were in charge of driving the vehicle, noticed the weeds surrounding the sides of the road begin to grow fast. And by fast, I mean hella fucking fast. Within seconds, Rico's panicked mind had caused the tall grass to envelope the car, but that's it. The boy slightly shook his head and regained his composure in the back seat in order to have the vegetation stop itself from crushing the vehicle and killing everyone inside. Needless to say, governmental back-up was hastily requested in the midst of the panic, and by the time Rico's parents had gotten word of what happened via text and rushed to meet their son at the scene, the area was wiped clean of every strand. Rico was gone. Fast forward to now. The island is stripped of most of its value. To avoid starving to death, the boy turned to vegetarianism. And to sustain his water levels, he took advantage of transpiration - collecting water vapor that evaporates on leaves in a small plastic bag. Rico had spent about 6 weeks leisurely strolling about the island with nothing better to do - you could [color=a2d39c]damn well bet your ass that he's got a few tricks up his sleeves.[/color] [/indent] [img][/img] [indent]Rico is susceptible to plant manipulation. Having been put through various facilities involved in botany and biotechnology, it was found that he was born with a defect in his blood. Or rather, additional features. Various forms of stimuli not normally found in the human body was deeply embedded into Rico's bloodstream. Such stimuli takes on the form of both liquid, solid, and gas, allowing them to diffuse and infuse into his body on command. This enables him to cause deliberate, and rapid growth in all manners of flora due to the existence of auxins in their stems, which naturally results in elongation in response to the stimuli Rico distributes. In addition to that, the closer he is to a targeted plant, the more of an effect he has on it, due to the lack of distance between stimuli and receptor cells. The further away he is, the less efficient. If Rico chooses to do so, he may cause a plant to wither by releasing stimuli that blocks its internal water flow by accumulating within both water and mineral-supplying tissues, the xylem and phloem. This can happen at any rate he chooses. Further studies have shown that his radius of effect increases as he grows older, currently reaching at about 15 meters at his limit. Currently, weaknesses include barren areas of wilderness, and absolutely cannot go a day without at least 3 hours in the sun. In the case of such, his body will begin to wither away. First it will start by the leakage of the majority of his fluids through his pores. Next, the deterioration of his bones. If time progresses and he is not yet exposed to sun, he will merely be a pile of skin and brittle bones.[/indent] [/hider]