[center] At first, Clara had been careful -- she’d stuck to going after Christian only because he had been familiar. The two squared off, neck and neck, neither one refusing to hold back simply because they knew the other wouldn’t. Clara was stubborn and Christian had learned it had only pissed her off if he held back. Eventually, the two had cause to split and Christian found himself against Esther, while Clara found herself against Ryanair -- perfect. She’d almost grinned when she realized who her partner was. No, she wouldn’t hold back one damn bit. She knew he was younger then her - hell, he was far younger than her and they’d both been raised very differently. In her youth she had begged Christian never to hold back -- she had no idea how well Kieran had trained him. Clara kept to it, dodging punch after punch while aiming her own. She’d gotten a few good ones in and had given herself a pat on the back over it. When it had all been over and done with, however, she was catching her breath -- still tired from her lack of sleep but she knew full well he’d put up a good fight. They had to have another one of these sessions sometimes soon -- it felt good to get her aggression out on someone other than Christian -- especially if it had been against her very own replacement. However, she would have [i]loved[/i] to get her hands on Kieran... Clara gave a little huff as everyone headed inside to gather their food, and Christian was automatically at her side again to check on her. She’d only brushed it off when she’d nudged him away from her, and she brushed a stray curl out of her face. Food sounded absolutely delicious at the moment and she would not deprive herself. Christian had only followed with a small huff behind her. “I trust someone has opened a bottle of wine by now --” Clara murmured as they all headed into the kitchen. Christian had shook his head in response, however. No good ever came from that female drinking -- it either was going to be a very quiet night, or there would be a shit storm... He hoped she would just drink and go to bed, in all honesty. After all, he’d wanted a word with Kieran before the girl had gotten to him herself... [/center][@Arista]