Here is an updated list of the Sites, folks. Decided to cement things. [indent]Site Aber - This Site was used for Adelon’s land, sea, and air vessels, as well as their unmanned aerial drones. The prisoners have turned it into a free settlement, with plenty of available shelter, but not much else. Site Borea - Borea was the administrative office, security headquarters, and personnel housing center of Arkos. Now it stands as the largest free settlement around, with a population of around 3,000. Site Durahe - Durahe handled Adelon’s material armor development, and their kinetic shielding technology. It has been claimed by a rather unfriendly group, who don’t outright attack other prisoners, but they valiantly defend their fortified castle. Site Haeda - Site Haeda was where Arkos’ crops and artificial food was grown. Now it has come under charge by a good-willed group of prisoners, primarily a few with nature-based powers, who provide free food to anyone who comes knocking on their door, [i]and[/i] asks politely. Site Odot - Stealth and cloaking technology were developed here, but Odot has since been claimed by a single, very territorial prisoner. It isn’t a very good idea to trespass into the tar-covered grounds. Those who have most often met their ends. Site Praxum - Praxum was where Adelon handled their medical and biological research during the superhuman crisis. Now, it’s become home to prisoners who have been widely shunned by the rest of the island, mostly due to their appearances caused by their powers. A ‘freakshow in a freakshow’ as one might put it. Site Vidan - Site Vidan was Arkos’ center for offensive weapons research and development. It has been claimed by a large cabal of prisoners who have banded together under one cause - “fuck everyone else”.[/indent] Feel free to ask for any specific details regarding any of them.