[center]“That's right.” He stated without glancing but from the book in his hands, his posture didn't change aside from his eyes blinking. Kieran released a on sigh and decided to elaborate, he had a suspension of what was going to come. “I'm her sire, and I take responsibility for my lack of actions towards her. At the time of her creation I wasn't myself and in a way I'm to blame for what happened the night. It's a blur but what I can remember is agony, exhaustion and a hunger I hadn't felt since I was a child.” Kieran closed the book I'm his hands and glanced up to meet the eye of eye man before him. He could feel it again, the heaviness of memories that refused to focus. His gaze remained unwavering as he pieced out the hazy pictures that filtered across his mind. He felt like a child one more, waiting with bated breath as his father stared down at him. His mouth opened and he began to speak once more, his fingers tightening against his arms of his chair. “I was being hunted by a family of vampires, I don't remember how long but I was drained and struggling. They'd shit me so many times with silver-laced weapons I didn't even know my own name anymore. The town I came to was quiet and still had warmth filling it from the people that had walked it's streets. I was so damn tired I just wanted to rest... I stumbled upon a beach after warily walking through the silence. A lone figure stood watching the waves as they crashed against the shoreline, her heartbeat strong and [i]alive[/i]. The words were tumbling out now, unchained and free as if he weren't sorting through his mind. Kieran was still but his eyes were blank, he wasn't there but in the past. “I walked towards her with my hand outstretched and lips parted as if to speak, though the air left my lungs when she turned around. She was beautiful but her expression was one of pain, without knowing it we met each other in the middle. I wasn't aware that I'd bitten her until I smelled blood, and that only had my control shattering. I left a necklace with her that I know she still has, I was weak and felt raw and vulnerable. I didn't wish to hurt her and so I checked to make sure she was fine before taking off. I wanted to keep her safe and in hindsight I didn't realize I'd changed her until I felt the bond that night at the beach. I...I've failed as both an elder vampire and a sire.” He finished with a shudder that seemed to shake his very core. His mind was finally clear and with it, his shoulders felt lighter as well as heavier. He'd left Clara alone that night, unaware that he'd changed her and that she would die when the sun rose. He'd ruined a life by unconciously leaving that person alone. He'd found Ryanair and had taken the blonde in with little thought, why was it that he hadn't felt the bond before that? Why hadn't it flared when he'd taken the blonde? Those were the questions now that filled his head. His eyes closing as a deep-rooted exhaustion sweeped through his body.[/center] [@earlymorninstar]