Moros without hesitation followed Brother Artenious. He moved through the hellish place of nightmares and whispers fighting back all he could that crept in his mind. The mark upon this place was the most unholy of things it corroded any sense of redemption for this wretched place. As this thought grew in his mind more true and more evident the librarian spoke it aloud. He suggested they burn and purge the damned place be done with it and all it stood for it was their duty to stop all incursions that would harm the Emperor and his citizens. "You are right. While it may not be the duty we were given it is that which is thrust upon us and we must accept and fulfill it all the same if not with more vigor and resolve cause we are those who solely bear this burden. To fight and be in the places no other soul could dare to go. We are the emperors fury and might." Moros spoke holding his head high and began to pull a belt of three grenades from his suit. He held them aloft and screamed "Step back brothers. For the Emperor!" before tossing one at the suit which sat so prominently and unnervingly empty in this room.