[Color=yellow][center][h1]Haru Sento[/h1][/center][/color] After the announcement Haru just stayed inside his room worrying about Erin and the other one. Worrying about what would happen tonight was the main thing on the young man's mind. Nikki was strong but she seemed to letting her emotions run rampant instead of searching for another way, much like Clara did when she was awake, which might leave the others defenseless. None of them couldn't track as well as he could granted the tracks would mostly be covered by walkers. The man's thoughts were interrupted when his stomach growled. The guy stood up and walked inside the cafeteria. Everyone seemed to be gathered ready to celebrate their leader’s birthday party as soon as dinner was over. The teenager waited until afterwards to talk with the young woman or at least until Matt and Jenna stole her away. He thought it best to ask later just before they headed out in a way hoping it would make Nikki think before actually acting then again if that didn't happen he would just go with the group. Then the woman's brother walked into the room with what looked like arrows though he couldn't quite get a good look at them. Once he got closer Haru realized he was right. [Color=yellow][I]” Quiet. Light weight for the most part. Very good choice Matt.”[/I][/color] the young man thought to himself. He watched the oldest person in the room show what he wanted before speaking his mind. [Color=yellow]” So we’re really going to do this? We’re going to stoop down to Clara's level and kill anyone that we view as a threat. I mean isn't there another way? Couldn't we just talk things our before striking full force Matt? And if not then I'm going with them. I can track better than anyone here and if there is guards I can keep the injuries at a minimum.”[/color] [@Wick]