[center]“I have a remedy that she might take up. I can never hope to fix it, but I hope to. Abandonment is something...Tomorrow morning we'll see what happens, I hope something will change. I've lived too long and don't wish to hurt anyone else. I know what it feels like to be alone.” Kieran stated with a monotone voice, his head tilted to side. He'd dodged the mention of his childhood, No one needed to know how been treated as a child. Those memories were starting to creep into his mind now, his eyes blinking slowly as if to clear them. The nights he'd spent waiting for the father he'd admired, the moments he wished for his mother's warm embrace. He could remember the feel of long strands of hair between his fingers, the tinkling laugh that filled his ears. He didn't stop the memories from taking over his mind. [i]A young Kieran walked beside his mother with a smile on his lips. Raven-black hair swayed in the breeze around them as they continued down the street, the townspeople waving as they passed. A squeeze of his hand had Kieran turning to face his beautiful mother, his head tilted to the side in question. “What shall we do today, love?” Her voice was soft and smooth, Kieran blinked and turned his head to the streets they walked. His free hand lifting to fiddle with a necklace he'd been given by his friend Esther a week ago. The emerald was warm from the sun's rays, he hummed softly and shifted closer to his mother. “The Shallows?” He questioned with a blink of his eyes, his mother's musical laughter filling the air in answer. His father hadn't been home for a few days and Kieran noted how his mother rarely allowed them to spend time at home. They were always out and about, Kieran’s mission to keep his mother happy. Those days ended on the night of a moonless sky. Kieran awoke to a scream that had him lurching from his bed, his footsteps leading him to his parents room. A iron grip encircled his neck the moment he entered the darkened room, the smell of blood thick in the air. “Mommy…?” Kieran asked hesitantly as the hand tightened it's grip, blazing silver eyes met his wide sky-blue ones. He'd grown and with the time that passed he noticed his mother was acting strange. His father hissed and pinned him harder into the wall behind him, Kieran didn't put up a fight. “She's dead and it's your fault.” Were the words that filled his young ears, Kieran’s eyes widened as his head shook in denial. He could smell the blood on his father's hands, his eyes frantically searching the darkness for his mother. She was on her bed with the covers thrown away in disarray. Her mouth was open and her eyes were blank, her hair fanning out around her almost as if representing a halo. His young mind snapped. Before he knew what he was doing, his father was across the room and clutching his missing arm. Kieran snarled a feral-souding noise and lurched himself forward, only to lurch away with a pained cry. A silver dagger was embedded in his arm, he glanced up and found the room empty aside from his mother. He didn't move from where he collapsed against the wall. When morning came he began to dig a grave and settled his still mother within the wooden box he'd created. Kieran had cleaned her as best he could, his movements mechanical and stiff. She was in her best dress and her hair tied into a low ponytail, Kieran placed a bouquet in her arms and settled the top on the casket. He buried her with a silent goodbye, before turning to his childhood home and returning inside. He'd packed a bag and grabbed a lit torch from the wall, he lit the house ablaze. He never looked back. Though the ache took a long time to disappear. [/i] Kieran rose to his feet and with a stiff nod towards Christian, he made his way upstairs. His chest ached and when he entered his room, he felt his control slip away like water. He'd just manged to close the door before his legs gave and his body curled into a tight ball.[/center] [@earlymorninstar]