[center][h1][b][u][color=cyan]Richard Hamilton[/color][/u][/b][/h1] [h1][b][u][color=cyan]"Archangel"[/color][/u][/b][/h1] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Alex_zpsu8l6mpel.png[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Sentinel HQ Meeting Room [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] [@Jin Of Mana]Nosferatu, [@Vulkan]Sight, Creatrix, (And Everyone Else)[/center] Most of the heroes didn't seem to have any questions regarding the Sentinels. However, one person had an important question to address. [color=ed1c24]"Where will we be staying until our mission takes place? Also, between now and then, is there any resource to nourishment for yours truly?? A man of my stature, as you know, doesn't partake in normal cuisine.... So I'd hate to find out I have to seek out my prey..."[/color] the vampire asks as wicked smile enters his expression during the last bit of speaking, ending with a faintly sinister chuckle. Ah yes. A vampire only feeds on one thing. And it seemed to be a tricky subject for one to talk to. But Archangel has gotten that covered. [b][color=cyan]"Ah yes,"[/color][/b] he answers as if the question didn't weird him out, [b][color=cyan]"I figured you'd ask that question. Believe it or not, I've made arrangements with a friend of mine from the local butchers to supply you with blood from the livestock. Cow, pig, chicken, any kind of animal that is found in a farm is all available for you as special bags for your consumption. And sorry, but no human blood will be served, unless I happen to find a spare blood bag in the infirmary, and if I do, I will notify you personally."[/color][/b] [b][color=cyan]"And I almost forgot..."[/color][/b] Archangel announces to the entire group as he activates the hologram of the HQ and zooms in on the east building, [b][color=cyan]"You will all be staying in your own private rooms in Building C. Your rooms are basically your own apartment homes, with running water, electricity, and a few other luxuries. You are to meet back here at approximately 10 am tomorrow pronto... and with that, you are all dismissed."[/color][/b] But as he dismisses the heroes, someone else comes into the room. It appears to be a soldier of some sort, much like Sergeant, only more dressed in black military armor. As he approaches, Archangel glances over him calmly, his hands behind his back as he looks at this late-comer. [b][color=cyan]"I was wondering where you were Mr. Harper,"[/color][/b] he replies calmly. He then turns to Creatrix. [b][color=cyan]"And I thought you said everyone was present and accounted for?"[/color][/b] The ex-Sentinel robot seemed to be slightly startled as he looks at the boy and back to his list. He saw no sign of Harper's name, until he checked the very bottom of the list, showing both his full name and code name. [color=5182b9][b]"O-Oh."[/b][/color] Creatrix replies a bit flusteredly as he looks at the commander and back at the boy, [color=5182b9][b]"It appears that I've missed his name at the very bottom. My apologies. You must be Adam Harper, aka: The Sight. Welcome to the team. You'd want to talk to Archangel about~"[/b][/color] But as he fades out, he realizes the boy had interests in someone else entirely. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/vinque.regular_zpsqguvinl2.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/vinque.regular-1_zpsghexu2cw.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/pirate_queen_by_alpine_gfx-d3kr47t_zpsrn7dvw9i.png[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Inside Sentinel HQ [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] [@Argetlam350]Scorn & [@Scarifar]Mamba, [@Vulkan]Sight[/center] [color=orange][i]"Oh a pirate, fascinating,"[/i][/color] Scorn replied genuinely curious before having to put her conversation on hold due to Archangel's presence. After he finished however, she continued talking to Jeanne as if nothing happened, but not until Mamba introduced herself first. "[color=8dc73f][i]Great to meet you both, Scorn and J.J. My name's Belinda, by the way,[/i][/color]" she greets getting a wave and nod from Jeanne. Then Scorn asked her own question to the Pirate Queen. [color=orange][i]"So a pirate? Like the swashbuckling kind or the more gun wielding Somalian type?"[/i][/color] she then asks. [color=red][b]"Oi oi,"[/b][/color] J.J replies, [color=red][b]"Waddya think eh? O' course I ain't wanna those Somalian bastards. I'm a traditional mate! I mean, check out the uniform."[/b][/color] Suddenly, she gets interrupted once again by the newcomer that just entered the room. [color=ee82ee][i]"...is that a pirate?"[/i][/color] Jeanne's attention then turns to him as she moves her upper body and chair to face him. Walking towards the source of his surprise, the boy looked at her for a minute, his helmet giving none of his facial expressions away. [color=red][b]"Waddya think, soldier boy?"[/b][/color] she answers his question in a slightly annoyed fashion. [color=ee82ee][i]"So, what can you do? I dont see many ships around here. Or did you manage to put yours on wheels?"[/i][/color] He smirked. Looking at the other two, he laughed. Jeanne didn't laugh at all though, rather his statement seemed to kinda annoy her a bit. [color=ee82ee][i]"And your crew includes someone who does with paint what decomposition will do better, and...someone relatively normal and cheerful looking. Figures..."[/i][/color] he then finishes as he pulls his helmet off himself. [color=red][b]"Nah, I have an actual crew."[/b][/color] she replies with a hint of being slightly ticked off at his rather rude behavior, [color=red][b]"At least I used to that is before I had me second mate use it. But I tell ya, if you be actin' like that in front of em', you're gonna get more than a slap to the face ya know."[/b][/color] She could've said worse to him other then mention the lack of respect the boy seems to have, but regardless she's keeping her composure for the time being. The soldier ought to be glad that she's isn't drunk, or this could be a whole different story altogether.