[@JunkMail] [@Maxx] [@Inertia] [@LazyEgg] [@Ginger Kollie] Okay folks, IC is up. For those of your characters arriving on the island for the first time, from here you can… [list][*] Start chatting it up with your fellow newcomers. Maybe form an alliance in the wake of all this bullshit. [*] Head to Site Borea off in the distance, where you’ll be welcomed and free to interact with other characters (player or NPC). [*] Start exploring anywhere else that [i]isn’t[/i] Site Borea because you’re a goddamn rebel. [*] Vent your anger on some of the local greenery. [*] Whatever else you can think of.[/list] [@Animus] [@Osmius] [@Polybius] [@Rune_Alchemist] Entry will stay open for those of you who expressed interest, if you wanna hop in later.