[quote=@Maxx] [center][img] [/img][/center] Since the sketch is WIP, I’ll give a brief description. He’s 5’10” in the shade, 6’0” in the sunlight. He is hispanic in heritage, with tanned skin and black hair. His skin has a greenish tinge to it. He has very thick eyebrows, as well as a full beard and medium-length black hair. He has large ears. He wears a beat-up white stetson at all times. He found this hat shortly after getting on the island, He wears a grubby wifebeater and grey cargo pants. His forearms are rather hairy. [center][h1] Franco Wilkins[/h1] Known to some as Sharpshooter.[/center] [indent]it is believed by scientists that the power of one certain Franco Wilkins was to copy the aspects of the first object be touched. The power manifested on June 21st, 2029 at 12:30 PM. At 12:39 PM, Franco tripped and fell into his mother’s cactus garden. Thus, the Sharpshooter was born. Power: [i]Partial cactus physiology, quill generation[/i]:Humans are hairy creatures. Your body is covered in hairs, albeit small ones. Through his ability, Franco can turn the hairs on his body into sharp quills. The size of these quills depends on the length of his hairs, so the Quills on his head are super long and thick, but the quills on, say, his back or shoulders are very small and thin. The exception to this rule is Franco’s hands, which can generate mid length, thick spines which he can use kind of like biological brass knuckles. Franco can selectively change his hairs into quills, so that he doesn't do something like stab himself with his own armpit hair. By flexing his muscles in a specific way, he can fire his quills at opponents. Said quills are sharp enough to pierce thick cloth and soft leather. The quills on his knuckles are heavier than his other quills, and as such hit with much more force. From a short range, the knuckle claws can cut through body armor. He has become pretty accurate with his quills, and can hit a target accurately from a distance of about one hundred yards. His hairs grow back at an accelerated rate, about thirty times times faster than a normal human’s hair does (he can regrow an inch of hair in a day), but it still takes him a long time to grow out his hairs. Some sections of his hair lays down flatish, giving him makeshift armor if he angles his arms right, but the quills are brittle and can't take anything more than a single hit from a blunt weapon before breaking. The quills are not the only powers that Franco got on that fateful day that he was stuck by the cactus of destiny. His skin is thicker than a normal human’s, making him ever so slightly more durable. This extra thick skin makes him resist knives and shards of his own quills, but doesn't do much for heavy blades, bullets, or other high velocity projectiles. His skin is thickest on his knuckles, allowing him to punch full-force with his quills without them bursting through his skin and damaging him. His skin cells contain chloroplasts, which give him photosynthetic capabilities. This, combined with his body’s natural ability to retain water, makes him exceptionally good at surviving harsh climates. He can go weeks without food or water, utilizing stored water and limited photosynthesis to survive. He can withstand heats of up to 150 degrees for long periods of time and has a resistance to certain diseases due to his unique biology. He is an exceptional survivor because of this, giving him an edge over some of his more powerful Metahuman kin. Finally, Franco’s blood is...weird. Half blood, half aloe-like green slime, the blood is thick and sticky while still being capable of flowing. His blood contains chemical compounds which weaken the pain response and can cool burns, making his wounds hurt just a *little* bit less. The part of his blood that is actually useful is that it flows very slowly when not being pumped. This means that Franco bleeds at a very slow rate, slow enough that most wounds will scab up before they could cause him to bleed out. This wouldn’t save him from, say, getting shot in the torso or head, but if shot in a non-vital place, he could go much longer than a normal human could before bleeding out. Weaknesses: So firstly, Franco has an ammo limitation. If his hairs are fired or break, it can take him up to a day for his hair to grow back. In the case of his knuckles, he has exactly eight rounds every day. He's not nearly as accurate with the hairs on the other parts of his body, so he can only really fire out an inaccurate spray if those are depleted. His quills are brittle as well, so if they're hit hard enough they break and have to regrow. The other issue for Franco is that he isn't entirely immune to his own quills. If his quills are pushed into his body by a fall or a precise strike from an opponent, it can stick back into him and harm him. Franco’s power also offers him absolutely no protection from modern weapons. Bullets of any kind will cut right through his quills and non-physical powers will go through them as well (ie fire, electricity). The quills can only take a single shot and can only even do that from certain angles, so in general Franco is quite the glass cannon. [b]Personality[/b]-wise, Franco is a pervy shut-in who found a new environment and used it to reinvent himself as a smooth-talking cowboy. His demeanor is that of a western lead, a brooding, dead-calm sharpshooter who could kill you with his steely-eyed stare. He acts as exceptionally cool as he can, talking in a low, brooding voice like he’s narrating Bastion. He acts tough, like he’s the boss of the island, but one eventually realizes that he usually tries to avoid confrontation. He pretty much makes excuses for acting like a wimp by saying it’s the real badass thing to do. He’s a pretty sharp guy (cactus pun #1), so he’s good at bullshitting excuses for his behavior. He tends to treat everyone the same, always displaying the same prickly personality (Cactus pun #2). His internal voice, however, is nothing like that. His cowboy persona is entirely an act. In his head, Franco is very much a wimpy, socially-inept basement-dweller. Under all those spines, he’s really quite vulnerable and squishy (cactus pun #3). When he grew up, he loved Western movies. His idol was John Wayne, the king of the cowboy movies. His external personality is essentially a John Wayne caricature, with extra brooding and grumpiness because he’s never been that good an actor. The idea, of course, is that Franco is a terrified wimp pretending to be a badass. Franco tries to stay in-character for as long as he possibly can, and only occasionally lapses back into his actual personality when he’s pushed to his absolute brink. Said personality is basically a sniveling, scared loser who will throw all of his integrity away to save himself. He cares pretty much only about his own well-being and puts other second. He will run away whenever he can and hates fighting. If he feels as if he has to fight, he isn’t above cheating. He will act always to keep himself safe. Franco has been on the island for a year and a half. He generally keeps to himself, appearing frequently enough for a few veterans to know his face but infrequently enough to not have had anyone figure out how much of a wimp he actually is. He generally keeps to himself, wandering in the jungle and keeping out of mischief. Occasionally, he helps out people who are under attack by taking out an assailant from a distance. Generally such a thing comes at the last possible moment, as Franco has to talk himself up to it. Franco lives in a small cave down by a river that winds through the southern part of the island. Over the past year or so, he’s gathered a few things in it: an aloe plant, a small solar-powered electric generator, a rechargable flashlight, and a few different tools. [/indent] [/quote] All good. Now [b][color=red]ACTIVATE.[/color][/b]