[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Xcsh0JH.png[/img] [/center] [hr] You are an inhabitant of EDEN, a land of SWORDS and SORCERY. You have found yourself in a TAVERN with a few WILDLY DIFFERENT and FLAMBOYANTLY QUEER looking characters, forced to sit together in the LAST REMAINING BOOTH to take shelter from a storm. Throughout the night, you have grown CLOSE and now are all planning to go on an ADVENTURE tomorrow morning. How CONVENIENT FOR THE PLOT. The ragtag band of accepted misfits assembled is as follows: [b][color=darkred]SVENLOTH the ELVEN BARD,[/color] [color=teal]GAGIBLOX the AWFUL FISH-PERSON MAGE,[/color] [color=8dc73f]KRUM the HALF-ORC RANGER,[/color] [color=lightgreen]HISH the LIZARDMAN ROGUE,[/color][/b] and HOPEFULLY some kind of SWORD-WIELDER with a STRENGTH STAT worth a damn. I'm looking at you, lurkers. Don't think I don't SEE YOU. I ALWAYS see you. [hider=OOC Info] [hider=Outline] • Eden is a world within an 8-Bit Universe. Just go with it. The world and its history and inhabitants don't run on cartoon logic, though their world is more fantastical and humorous than ours. That isn't to say that we'll constantly be battling cockgoblins and making every post as funny as possible or something dumb like that, just that it's a fairly stereotypical -- mostly in a self-aware manner -- fantasy setting where the funniest thing that can happen usually does. Capisce? • Right off the bat, bear in mind the world of Eden has different laws of reality than ours. Even though the setting is a video game, characters don't break the fourth wall by making self-aware comments about being in video games, because this is simply the world as they have known it all their lives -- Hearts are simply a thing one loses when they get hurt and regain when they eat and sleep, leveling up is the natural effect of gaining experience points, and pixels are the building blocks of all matter. They don't question it unless it's funny and inconsequential. • All posts begin with your character's name and their action, and are written from the second person. Here's an example with my character. Svenloth: Belt out a facemelter See? Easy enough. • Characters should be somewhat stereotypical to their roles, but this does not mean they should be outright caricatures. They should have something that sets them apart from the rest of their kin, for better or worse. Their shared brands as outcasts will be the main reason that they're willing to trust one another so easily and go on a quest after meeting in a tavern fucking [i]once[/i]. That being said, don't go overboard with them being outcasts and give me a cast of half-elf loners, or make intentional mary-sues or scary-sues. • The point of this is to be funny, but at some point, I'd also like to care about your characters. Think Hodor. You laugh at him shouting his name down a well, but you also empathize with him during the more serious moments. This RP will obviously not have so many serious moments, but I think that like Homestuck, we'll gradually have more as the plot furthens, thickens, and becomes more serious as the big bad looms nearer. • When in doubt, this is the golden rule: [color=goldenrod]Eden and its inhabitants are comprised only of tropes.[/color][/hider] [hider=Rules] 1. Every post will have one centered image at the top. You can make it however you want, so long as it's pixely and looks like it was done in MSpaint with generic pasted-in images here and there. That being said, try not to make them [i]intentionally[/i] shitty. 2. Try to be as funny as possible when the opportunity arises. If you can see a clear way to make something funny in the universe's absurd pseudo text-based adventure style, go for it. Otherwise, advancing the plot will do just fine. 3. Standard rules apply, you've heard them a thousand times. Don't be shitty. It's just jokes my guy. 4. Don't do drugs, stay in school, and brush your teeth. 5. Don't apply if you think you'll drop out in a month. Don't do dat.[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] [pre][center][img]To be drawn in MSpaint. Keep it simple so it's not a pain in the ass for others to redraw. Also, give it a white background and use white as sparingly as possible, since this image will be used for your character all the time and thus selected on MSpaint's limited transparent-background setting.[/img][/center] Name: Fantasy names. Elves have flowy names, Orcs have tough, orcish names, Dwarves have compound surnames of their clans, etc. Also, claim a color. Whether or not this will be your text color is undecided. Race: The options are Human, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Orc, Golem, Half-Breed, or Awful Fish-Person. Class: Try to stick with D&D's model, or at least rename their concepts. Bio: A relatively short summarization of your character. History is unimportant. In the Text-Based RPG style of the story that I've borrowed from MSPA, certain words are capitalized. I'd love to tell you that only nouns are capitalized, but sometimes whatever's funny to emphasize is capitalized. Try not to go overboard though.[/pre][/hider][/hider]