[@Tyki][@ShadowVentus][@thewizardguy][@Letter Bee][@kishin Asura] Doom would be on the ground,knocked out as A blue bullet-shaped gem would whiz by Khaine's face ."[color=00aeef]Now that was your warning shot everybody[/color] Said the cowboy as he spat to his right. Jessie had been watching the entire spectacle from a distance,and saw that he needed to intervene ."[color=00aeef]Now ,could someone tell me why you're all fighting ,does anyone still even remeber?[/color]" he asks as he fixes his cowboy hat and walks in ,with a visible bulge from the tabbacco he was chewing . The stranger would be dressed in clothes from the American West ,but what was unusual about him was the gems covering his body ,and the abundance of them as he kept himself "Armed" ,which in this case meant having his hands in finger-guns while being covered in sharp crystals.