[h3]Leilu[/h3] [hr] [b]Character Name[/b] Leilu Suldusk [b]Age & Sex[/b] 22, Female [b]Trade[/b] Hunter [b]Species[/b] Shapeshifter [b]Appearance[/b] [hider=Normal] [url]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dByhv7Gmtn8/VF8frEZ-0YI/AAAAAAAABX8/Htah5OwYvjA/s1600/sister_of_the_night_by_selenada-d6ubjwd.jpg[/url] Leilu has crystal blue eyes has long wavy, blood red hair. With a constant gentle expression. She looks a calm as she is. Leilu displays no harmful feature in this form.[/hider] [hider=Wolf] [img]http://www.hyperyote.com/gallery/art/photography_nature/pics/Red-Wolf-Hey-Catch-Up.jpg[/img] She is a rather average size for a wild wolf, 36in tall and 120 pounds. A healthy, red and brown coat covers her muscular but lean body. [/hider] [hider=Dog] [url]http://sheprescue.org/images/argos%20von%20amberg.jpg][/url] As a dog Leilu takes the form of a long-haired German Shepard. An obedient, faithful companion, thus reflecting her own self.[/hider] [b]Personality[/b] Leilu is a mellow, calm, and level-headed woman. She enjoys the company of others and strives to please, however, has her moments of complete shyness. As a world, she is a huntress and acts the part. She stays focused and aware. As a dog she is uch the same, being mellow and obeident. Leilu is faithful and trustworthy, but not completely quick to trust she remains weary as made by her instincts. [b]Past History[/b] Leilu's parents, Adam and Serah, are farmers in their community. Leilu's mother wished for her daughter to be a farmer as well, but accepted her love for a hunt. She has only one sibling, a brother. Leilu's brother, Marcus, however is a goofball that rarely does anything. He occasionally will go with her on a hunt, but usually stays home to cook with their mother, disappointing their father that wished him to be a metal worker or such to be a bigger part of the community. Leilu is not a material kind of person, she rather live day by day on what she has or can make. Out of the left over parts of animals she hunts she makes small tools or utensils that may come in handle from time to time. Although her age suggests she would have a mate by now, Leilu is not mated. A few possible mates have come up, but she only found lust in their intentions and declined, hoping she will find the right mate. [b]Requested Items[/b] A bow, quiver full of arrows, her skinning knife, some vegetable seeds, small farming tools, compass, companion/pet Grigori [b]Pertinent Skills[/b] Tracking, scavenging, farming [b]Extra[/b] Nothing yet