[h1][center][color=00a651]Sean Black[/color][/center][/h1] [center][u][/u][b]Location:[/b]Sentinel HQ[/center] [center][u][b]Interacting With:[/b][/u][@Ursane]Flynn[/center] Sean was a bit overwhelmed with all the people here, most of them seeming incredibly... Unique. From pirates to machines of war, this group had it all, and some of them seemed to be quite antisocial, ranging from not being interested in talking, to just straight up trying to start conflicts with others, which Sean wasn't much of a fan of. As much as Sean wanted to talk to one of the more friendly characters, introductions always tended to be hard for him, and he hated interrupting people's conversations, so he decided to wait for a bit before he introduced himself. Archangel came in and immediately went into a speech. Now Sean didn't like calling himself a fanboy, yet he was experiencing some fanboy tendencies, such as being so enamored about being in the same room as Archangel he only actually paid little attention to his speech, but figured he got the gist of it. Archangel's speech had ended, and Sean steeled himself, having decided he might as well pick the most normal looking person in the room and try his luck in making a new friend. He walked up to the guy who had rolled into the room earlier and tried to strike up a conversation "[color=00a651]Quite an interesting group we've got here, wouldn't you agree? My name's Sean.[/color]" he said, hoping that his introduction wasn't too awkward. At least nobody could actually say that he didn't try making friends, unlike some others. This dude seemed pretty cool, or at least his entrance was, so maybe he'd be a good friend to make.