Tarden slowly made his way down the stairs. The bandits from last night had assembled for breakfast, and for that reason were probably in an amicable state, but he still did his best to act inconspicuous. He strolled over to Jarkson [color=gold]"Morning,"[/color] Jarkson looked slightly on edge, but not as much as he should have been for the potentially hostile company in his inn. "Morning Tarrey, can I help you?" he spoke in his happy and upbeat tone, not in the hushed whisper Tarden expected. Tarden looked over his shoulder meaningfully at the group. Jarkson caught his meaning, "They're a bit odd, but they don't mean any harm. Really, honestly." Tarden kept his reservations. [color=gold]"I'll have a plate of whatevers going, please."[/color] he said to Jarkson With a plate of eggs Tarden made his way to sit near the door, if he needed to escape he wanted it to be easy! He started tucking in and inspected the door. It was still largely in one piece, miraculously from looking at the large man who bashed it down last night, and the remaining parts would be an easy fix. Tarden shouted across the room to Jarkson [color=gold]"I've still got some glue from my last job, I'll patch up the door after breakfast, for a friend."[/color] Jarkson nodded to him from inbetween helping residents at the place who were coming down for their own food. [@Belwicket] [@vietmyke] [@AdamantiumWolf] [@Zero Hex] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] [@IcePezz] [@Jon Y]