[@BlackPanther][@Wick][@Helo] [img]http://i.imgur.com/9uPQ7ys.png[/img] Jane turned to Willa and showed a slightly softer expression than before. [color=f26522]“Benji is right, you know. Whatever is about to happen here, has probably happened countless times already. Also: I wouldn’t be overly concerned about things like fire; not when you are around me.”[/color] Some of the energy, she had absorbed, had worn off, but Jane still felt a large part of the explosions from the grenades slowly run through her body. Powering her like coal in a locomotive. She felt as if current events had answered a question he had had, since she stepped into this mysterious place. The reason dragons didn’t seem to rise up and fight back like [b][color=fff200]Edge [/color][/b]had done it, might just be because they were too busy bickering amongst themselves. A part of Jane felt a grudge towards the otherwise majestic creatures. With a power such as theirs, surely it could be expected of them to do something to oppose the oppressive system. Supernaturals, like Benji and Willa, was why Jane fought. For a second Jane thought about commenting on it, but decided to not. This was hardly the time to upset your new allies. Besides Jane and her powers had done more than enough harm already.