[center][color=orange][h2]Maema Nisshoku[/h2][/color] [sub]Exploring Chimney & The little Bull[/sub][/center] [indent][indent] Maema closed his eyes at the young girl’s misguided emphasization of his name. He hadn’t expected to be dealing with a superior whose own attention was the equal of a eight year old. And if that wasn’t bad enough he couldn't help but feel their first mission was suicide. It felt kinda forced and, though the commander had made it seem opportune, daunting. Outwardly Maema exerted a calm before slowly turning the gold of his father’s dog-tag. He must’ve known something so dangerous would happen and if that was the case… then he knew that he was prepared both mentally and physically. The old swordsman wouldn’t had tossed him to his death. Atleast that was what his mind was reminding him. He sparsely recognized that it was possibly some reassurance for his own fears that voiced those thoughts. Maema faintly shook his head of the discovery before sighing his surrender. [color=orange][i]Considering the situation I’m in I’m not the least bit surprised.[/i][/color] The minutes that he had believed would be filled with inquiries and worries were interrupted by--who he had decided to nickname--The little Bull. She chimed in with a odd mix of innocence and resolve. Admittedly, Maema was caught off guard. He didn’t think The little Bull could summon that much determination. In the moment she spoke of her shrine he saw his reflection in her face. The little Bull pressed that “Chimney” and himself would first go to her room. And just like that, Maema had saw The little Bull as the annoying superior that he had first met minutes ago. He stood up in his seat quietly and bowed to the group casually. He waved bye to the few at the table before saying, [color=orange][b] “Take it easy guys.”[/b][/color] He spoke with a natural drab tone, all while rubbing the back of his head. He followed The little Bull with a less than stellar enthusiasm. The Commander’s sister was a busy body. Not that there was anything wrong with that. Honestly, the fact that she [i]seemed[/i] so inexperienced wasn’t what bothered him; it was more so how she acted. Maema felt that the Commander wouldn’t have given the girl authority if she hadn’t the traits to back it up. The next fifteen or so minutes were near unbearable. They grabbed their “Akumako specials’” and headed to a table where they sat and begun to discuss some form of a plan. It wasn’t really a plan but rather some obscure reference to what he thought was a manga. Growing up in Kumo, with his distant father, and grief-stricken history had forced him to forsake those childhood pleasantries. Maema smirked to himself and quietly, shook his head at her enthusiasm. When Roga asked for him to elaborate on his kekkei-tota, Maema seemed to glance up towards some void. [color=orange][b] “I can. It’s not a big deal really, I can just create and control mercury. It can be very poisonous, Little Bull, Roga.”[/b][/color] He moved his eyes towards Akumako. [color=orange][b] “I would take that into consideration when making a plan if I were you guys. Honestly though, I could probably take out that statue on my own.”[/b][/color] [color=orange][b] “I would die by overwhelming numbers but I could take it out on my own.”[/b][/color] He rambled, looking blase and disinterested all together. He pondered momentarily on actually eating the Akumako Special. [/indent][/indent]