[@Wick] Jon led the group as he knew the location of the bandits. it took a couple of hours to get close to their base but the time it had taken meant that the group now had the cover of darkness. There were 8 guards on duty at this time. 4 stood at the turrets of the building in the corners. the other 4 were patrolling the sides of the building. The group had big floodlights lighting up the grounds, meaning somewhere they had a power box. Jon crept over to Nikki and Eric. [color=ed1c24]"Ok, we have eight guards on duty. Were gonna need to take them out before we can get to the building. If we get four or six men with knives or bladed weapons to silently take them out the gunners and the rest of the group can move to the building. Ill be one meaning we need four more. i want volunteers only though. ill let you pick from the volunteers."[/color]Jon said. The first time he had legitimately put himself forward for the safety of the group and it was to finish something he had started.