[h1] [center][color=Fuchsia] Katya [/color] [/center] [/h1] When her rounds hit the CWM, Katya felt a wave of satisfaction. That satisfaction however was very short lived as Katya checking her map to see where her squad was saw Black Star had already arrived in H3, that moment she realized a flaw in her orders looking at Paladin her werks sensors told her Pompey was mere seconds away from firing. [color=Fuchsia] [i]"Oh shit! I forgot to tell Zero to wait!" [/i] [/color] Katya thought as she was about to tell Ariin to not fire watching in horror as Paladins mighty Pompey unleashed a volley of tungsten slugs towards the CWMs and Zero. Katya praying to the universe or whatever higher power may that existed she just hadn't gotten one of her comrades killed. Luck or maybe mercy of a high power Katya saw Black Stars readout stay active on her map, meaning he had to of survived. Katya giving a sigh of relief, now she hoped Black Star was still able to fight. However, before she could ask she saw the unit she sent Mai after fade of the map Katya pleased to see something had gone right, it was then she heard Elora scream help over the Comms, Katya eyes going wide from the sound as she glanced over the map grid she sent Elora to. [color=Fuchsia]"[i]Dam it."[/i] [/color] she thought slamming a fist into a console before her, pleased no one could see the outburst of anger. Katya really unable to contain her negative emotions properly at this time. It was only then she noticed Elora had sent data on the Cruxi sniper unit. [color=Fuchsia] [i]"Crap, now is not a good time for this Elora."[/i] [/color] Feeling a wave of frustration that she quickly buried, she didn't have the time to be frustrated at her squad mate now. What she needed to do was try to save Elora before the Cruxi killed her. Looking down at the map Katya quickly began quickly put a plan together lacking the time real think it out and the experience to actuarially predict how the Cruxi might move in an effort to counter it. Katya merely hoped this plan that she would call hastily put together would work. So far her command her yielded mixed result. Right now all she hoped was no one under her command would die, the rest was unimportant. Her comms already open Katya took a deep breath as she mentally readied herself to give orders once again, hopefully this time it would play out better [color=Fuchsia]"Ariin I want you on those snipers. Eliminate them quickly as you can start with prick in D2. Zero if you still able to fight I want you on the CWMs in G2. Mai I want to engage the tentacle beast F7, avoid the CMWs, do not engage them on your own. I'm going to try and help Elora."[/color] Katya stated looking at her map seeing where she could attack the tentacle beast from, seeing no matter where she went trying to help Elora was going to be risky. Pulling her werk away from the building Katya began make her way to G3 It would place her right in the middle of two enemy units so she hoped Zero was up to the task of engaging the CWMs. Hopefully they would be more interested in attacking him then her. Then all she had to worry about was a tentacle beast. Which Katya was positive would go after her, hopefully thought she'd have enough time to fire at the beast holding Elora. Katya thinking it was the best course of action unwilling to go deeper into the MISTs range just in case something made it fire. Even if that would grant a quick death it was one Katya refused to even tempt. If she was going to even tempt death Katya would go out in a blaze of glory or at least try to take some of the enemy out with her. That was if things went extremely bad Katya aware that was a very possible. This plan was a real roll of the dice. As Katya moved to G3 she opened a comm channel on across every PDF channel she had access to. Hoping to provide to support for herself and the rest of her squad even it was only slight and would most likely do very little. [color=Fuchsia] "To any PDF units in the area of G3 and H7, still active any assistance you could provide to my units would be greatly appreciated."[/color] Katya stated closing the channel, she wasn't sure if anything would come of it but she hoped. Arriving in G3 Katya quickly took aim at the tentacle beast holding Elora, Katya doing her best to target the beast in such away that would avoid hitting Elora. Having gotten a good aim or simply ran out of time to aim due enemies advancing on her location she fried at the beast. As she fried Katya hoped her shot would find it mark and would be enough to allow Elora to break free. Having fired Katya figured it be best to try and withdraw to a more safe location, thinking it be somewhat safe Katya started to make her way to H3. Now out of the MIST firing range she was reluctant to go back in it. [hider=Movement and attacks] Caretaker moves to G3 and attacks Tentacle beast holding Elora in F2. Attempting to move to H3. [/hider]