[center][h1] [color=f49ac2]Nikki Hyatt [/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s20.postimg.org/i2iblwhnx/faith_buffy_the_vampire_slayer_1157062_329_428.jpg[/img][/center] Nikki nodded and looked at the men. [color=f49ac2]"Jon and I are going to take guards out. I need men who are light on their feet and quiet and good with a blade."[/color] She picked out Eric, James, Darius and Robert. [color=f49ac2]"That gives us six to work with quickly."[/color] They determined that Nikki would take out the guy closest to the farther turret and then the one inside it. Eric was going to take the one on the ground and the one in the closer turret. Being Military he was still in great shape and he was fast and silent. The others picked out went after their targets. Nikki had to run through the area to get to the guard she needed to take out. Problem was when she got there she could avoid the lights but she had to take out a couple of walkers closer than she would have liked. The guard got suspicious and walked to the edge of the lit up area. Nikki was about three feet from him in the bushes. She was shorter than he was so she reached up and bashed him in the neck so he couldn't scream. She covered his mouth and dragged him into the bushes as she slit his throat and stabbed his brain. Afterwards Nikki watched the guy in the turret call down to him. The guy appeared not to worry. Nikki figured he thought the guy was taking a leak or something. This gave Nikki time to go around to the back of the turret and she climbed up the stairs without a sound. After dispatching the second guard Nikki raided his weapons and ammo and headed back to the group. Eric was climbing back out of the turret when she got back. [color=f49ac2]"Looky what I got for my troubles."[/color] She handed the AK to Jon and several misc. blades and throwing stars. She put a couple of the throwing stars in her jacket and let the guys take the rest. [@kurai assassin]