[color=f7941d][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/1c/b6/45/1cb64535a15a6bee6f46e3a891980905.jpg[/img] [h2]Balto Grim[/h2]ooo[h2]Thiefling[/h2][/center][/color] [color=f7941d][i]Appearence:[/i][/color] A perk of being demon born is that time kinda looks at you sideways. It doesn't so much age you as it lets you hit your desired mid 20's to mid 30's and stay there. As a result. Balto looks younger then he is. While a quick glance would make you think him a human of maybe late twenties of age, a closer inspection is gonna throw you for a loop. His skin is mottled with grey, and silver lines seem to runs from his eyes across his face. His eyes are the same silver color and his ears are slightly ribbed nad pointed. Not like an elf, his ears actually splits into three small spikes at the end. [color=f7941d] [b]Former Proffesion: [/b][/color] Grifter, Conartist, Fence [color=f7941d][b]Skill:[/b] [/color] [i]Wordsmith: [/i] A quick talking, word spitting bullshit poet from the day he learned the concept of begging. When he talks, he knows just the right cadence and tone of voice to use on you. Never let him speak to you for to long or he will be walking way wearing your clothes. [i]City knowledge: [/i]Balto is not a man of violence. He is a man of desperate flight when others chose to fight. His feet are so accustomed to the cobble of the slums he knows where he is going even in the worst of fogs. He can name a bar for you based on your preference of company, food or drink. He knows where the gangs are the worst, and where the rich goes to slum it. [color=f7941d][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Quickwitted and charming, he is a career criminal all the way from the way he used to dress to the way he talks about people. He do not see men and women. He see people as marks and obstacles. He is social to a fault, always with a word of encouragement or sneaky secondguessing. His career as a guard is something of a snag in his confidence to say the least. He knows that if he messes up it is noose for him.And that hinders him from abusing his limited power of office as it were. [color=f7941d][b]History:[/b][/color] Kings Knell has no shortage of demons who were left leaderless after the Demon Sovereign drank blessed wine and died. One of these decided to sire children with a human woman named Aila. Aila then had a son named Balto. As many mothers do when they realize their child is a abomination and an affront to religions everwhere, they try to get rid of them. Balto Grim is gutter child trough and trough. He was thrown to the curb the second he was old enough to ask his mother ”What's a demon”. He found himself quickly absorbed into one of the many roving bands of orphans and plucky piranha like kids. As is always the way with these things, Baltam grew up to become a scoundrel and a criminal. When your entire moral compass is ”Money gets you bread” you tend to view the world with a different light. In his case, he saw the light of the guard lantern as the enemy approaching nad the smiles of the more fortunate as unbearable smugness. So he made it his lifes work to rob them of all they owned. But he didn't want to hurt someone. At least not directly. Emotionally, yes, sure. Financially, goes without saying. But not by threat and violence. He would do it trough wit and guile instead. He'd outsmart those smug bastards and rise to the top. Balto turned out to be very skilled at what he does. It came to him as natural as begging or running errands for mobsters. He said and did whatever came to mind. He improvised whole identies on the fly, talked people out of purse and belt. But with success comes confidence. And with confidence comes ego. His scams grew bolder, and more extravagant. And then, he failed. He didn't just fail, he tried to scam a noble who was understandbly cross with him as a result. So cross in fact, that he brought the boy infront of the ”holy court”. A body of divine justice who really disliked Thieflings. However, this being his first transgression, he was let go alive. Under one condition. He had to repent. He had to serve the people. He had to become a guard.