[hider=Grace Potter] [center][img]http://hd.wallpaperswide.com/thumbs/ashley_greene-t2.jpg[/img] Full Name: [color=0072bc]Grace Potter[/color] [i][b][color=0072bc]"Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades"[/color][/b][/i] [/center] Codename: [color=0072bc]Typhoon[/color] Age: [color=0072bc]22[/color] Gender: [color=0072bc]Female[/color] Sexuality: [color=0072bc]Hetero[/color] Relationship Status: [color=0072bc]Single[/color] Species: [color=0072bc]Mutant[/color] History: [color=0072bc]Grace learned of her strange powers at the age of 5, which was very frightening to her parents whenever she threw a temper tantrum. She became too much for the young couple to take, and she was put of for adoption at the age of 7. Because of her "Gifts" she was deemed "unadoptable" and bounced from foster home to foster home. At the age of 18 she was thrown out on her own to fend for herself. With little to no control of what she could do, she hid and kept to herself until she heard about the Institute and heard about what Professor X had started and done for all of the mutants. She showed up on the doorstep at the age of 19, and has been learning ever since. [/color] [hr] [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/7a30/f/2016/212/6/6/img_20160730_154442_by_unfallenangel12-dac39ka.jpg[/img] [hr] Appearance: [color=0072bc]Grace is a petite girl of 5'4". She is of average build. She has sandy brown hair that comes down to the middle of her back. She has sharp hazel/brown eyes. She has a pair of gray angel wings that she can tuck snuggly against her back under her shoulder blades. She can hide them under most clothing. Aside from the wings, she has a long scar under her right shoulder blade where one of her foster parents tried to cut her wing out.[/color] Powers: [color=0072bc]gray wings and the ability to fly/manipulate air[/color] [hider=WINGS] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/46/b8/ed/46b8ed2c67e3977453d26d3af8e8bf44.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: [color=0072bc]Grace is quiet most of the time, but can become quite outspoken once people get to know her. Most people describe her as fun and loveable and always up for a challenge. She spends most of her time outside. She enjoys the fresh air, the smell of freshly cut grass, and the sun on her skin. She also loves to soar over the school when not in classes. She does not like confrontation and will shy away from anyone that is being mean, but her temper sometimes gets the better of her and she speaks before she thinks.[/color] Likes: [color=0072bc]-Chocolate -hip/hop music -animals -books -hand to hand combat -thunderstorms -hot tea -hot showers/baths at night[/color] Dislikes: [color=0072bc]-long distance running -spiders -loud people -sharks -the dark[/color] [img]https://www.picsofcelebrities.com/celebrity/ashley-greene/pictures/large/ashley-greene-family.jpg[/img] Your guardian Angel - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7Em4fUOrZo[/url] [color=ec008c]"Use me as you will Pull my strings just for a thrill And I know, I'll be okay Though my skies are turning gray I will never let you fall I'll stand up with you forever I'll be there for you through it all Even if saving you sends me to Heaven"[/color] [/hider] [hider=Relationships] [img]http://hdwallpaperbackgrounds.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Girls_Actress_Ashley_Greene_2014_Wallpaper.jpg[/img] ♦ Respects ≈ Neutral ♣ Friends ♫ Best Friends § Tense ♥ Crush ♠ Significant Other ∅ Enemies Name: [color=0076a3]♦ Professor Francis Latour ♣[/color] "Wisdom comes to those who seek it out, but only from those who speak with truth " Grace enjoys spending time in the library having tea with the professor. He is a great mentor to her, and she knows that he tries to protect and include her as much as possible. Name: [color=0076a3]♣ Sophie Blackthorn ♣[/color] "She could potentially catch the whole place on fire, but she is pretty cool to talk to" Sophie hasn't spoken to Grace much, but she hasn't been mean or picked on her at all. Grace likes talking to Sophie about music. Name: [color=0076a3]≈Aaliyah Cruze≈ [/color] "She's a tornado waiting to happen, but she has an awesome personality." Aaliyah is one of the girls that Grace talks to a lot, but they aren't that close. Maybe this year if Grace comes out of her shell a little more. Name: [color=0076a3]≈ Raylan Wilcox ♥[/color] "The bad boy that has been around in more than one way it seems." They run into each other pretty often. Grace finds him attractive but is slightly afraid of his anger. She wonders how he hasn't been kicked out yet, but he seems to be a good person on the inside. They often exchange some banter and sarcastic wit, and occasionally more. Name: [color=0076a3]≈ Loki Cage ≈[/color] "Never spoken to him" Never met him Name: [color=0076a3]≈ Taylor Garrick ≈[/color] "Never spoken to him" Never met him Name: [color=0076a3]≈ Katherine Winchester ≈[/color] "She seems the social butterfly, but her eyes don't really match her words." They have never spoken unless they were together in a group. Name: [color=0076a3]≈ Bao Lu ≈[/color] "I can never go wrong when asking him where to get the best chinese take out, and no not because he's asian (I'm not racist) he just know's his stuff." They have spoken a few times and have tested the waters to see who can cause the most damage with wind. So far its Bao Lu. Name: [color=0076a3]≈ Casey Locke ≈[/color] "Never spoken to him" Never met him Name: [color=0076a3]≈ Dani Carson ≈[/color] "She seems like a cute kid." Never met her [/hider]