Character Sheet Name: Caelis Wolff Race: Tiefling Appearance: Some say that he his the most graceful, gentle and elegant man that he had ever met. Others say that he is the manliest, fiercest looking man that they had ever seen. Here's the thing though. They're both right. They saw whatever it was that they wanted to see. There are some characteristics that all people do agree upon. First is that Caelis looks more human than demon from his fair skin complexion to his black hair. However, the thing that betrays his demon blood are his pupils, piercing crimson coins that almost seem like they would glow in the dark like a cat. Other than that, he truly looks like he would be human with a lean build and standing at a modest 5'9". Age: 29 Former Profession: Brothel Keeper Skill: Illusion Magic: As a half demon, Caelis is naturally gifted in the art of illusion magic. As a business man, he typically uses it to make people feel more comfortable, but there are times where there's trouble and he needs to scare trouble makers away. Connections: The nature of his line of business has led to Caelis meeting all sorts of individuals with unique tastes. Among them are some aristocrats and nobles who would never ever want to get on Caelis' bad side. On the flip side are other business people who would also like to not get on Caelis' bad side due to what he knows of these people. Needless to say, if Caelis wants some information or needs a special favor, then there's a good chance that he knows of a way to get it. Personality: Much like his appearance, Caelis' personality is hard to nail. At times he may be the sweetest gentleman and others he could be the cruelest, spiteful demon in the city. That said, there is a reason for all his madness, and it is for his own personal gain or amusement. Just make sure that you don't get on his bad side cause despite all of that he is known to be rather vengeful towards those who have wronged him in some way. History: As is customary of most noblemen who are caught in an illicit affair outside of wedlock, the unfortunate bastard born out of it is castigated and ignored as illegitimate. Such was the life of Caelis, born to a human nobleman and a succubus mistress, who oddly enough, hated to work. Sent away as an illegitimate child, Caelis didn't grow up with a father. Rather his mother, the cunning demon she is, negotiated with his father into paying for Caelis' birthright. For a small fortune, Caelis would give up any claim to the Wolff name. That arraignment was perfectly fine to Caelis as he was treated well by his mother and his father's money. Still, the city is no place for the lazy nor the naive. He had to find his own way in the city, and there was no way that he would simply subsist off of his benefactor's fortune. No, Caelis was more ambitious than that. He wanted more. So, with a significant investment, Caelis recruited talented and unique individuals and opened up an escort service consisting of only the finest that the city had to offer. Business went well as rumors went around. One of those rumors was of a "Fair Lady in Red", who spoke in elegant verse and could be seen strolling around with some of the wealthy patricians of the city. Of course, that was simply one of Caelis' employees. She was a rather simple minded girl from a impoverished noble family who fancied envisioning herself a poet. She was a nice girl, the 3rd daughter of the family who really had little to no prospects due to her family's decline But, with some nice clothes, a bit of make up and a small enchantment, she had grown to become one of the most desired ladies in the city. Regardless, business went well, and any legal concerns were largely dealt with as many patrons of his service were the law so to speak. However, there was one day where an unruly, but powerful nobleman demanded a refund as he claimed that he had been tricked into buying this service by magic. Of course, this claim came after his wife had spotted him on a walk with one of Caelis' employees. Caelis refused to return the nobleman's money as that would trigger an avalanche of similar claims. In vengeance, the nobleman worked to have Caelis imprisoned for tax evasion, which Caelis obviously denied from happening as a simple dating service could not possibly be making enough to be paying that much in taxes. Still, by pulling some strings, a thorough investigation happened and Caelis was charged and owed a queen's ransom. Such an amount had a life long of servitude attached to it, and Caelis refused to turn in a single coin and hid his money very well. He believes that his "friends" wouldn't let him suffer for long. In fact, they were building an appeal to this very day. But, until the day that he is released from his sentencing, Caelis would rather play the role of a lazy city guard than be doing back breaking work in the quarry.