[center]“Why do I feel like shit hit the fan?” Ynez questioned as she ate her plate of food, her packmates continued eating but filled their bond with curiosity and confusion. The Alpha watched as her friend drank his coffee, how quiet Ryanair was at his side. Something had happened and she damn well wanted to know what. Shifting a strand of brunette hair from her face, she kicked the vampire's knee and continued eating. Kieran winced but didn't seemed inclined to look up, he'd been quiet since he'd come down and Ynez didn't like it. Ryanair’s gaze focused on hers and she noticed how worried he was, he didn't want to interfere but Ynez could. “I heard whispering the night before” [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-kkkmPIkTUE4/USBRH_s5OfI/AAAAAAAAA14/12FixSHoGgU/s1600/long-hairstyles-trend-17.jpg]Evian[/url] stated from the other side of the room, Ynez arched a questioning brow at her Beta. She hasn't really been paying attention, she'd taken a shower and had passed out. Apparently she missed some Juicy details, damn exhaustion she was curious now. Evian grinned and raised her hand to card through orange locks, her brown eyes narrowed. “It was quiet and even I had trouble listening, [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c6/78/8b/c6788b462a8833e9ca25182e43bec3bd.jpg]Orion[/url]wouldn't shut up either so blame him.” Evian stated with a flick of her wrist, Ynez watched as her male Beta bristled and showed his teeth. It was playful banter so she saw no means to intervene, though her question hadn't been answered yet. “Nothing happened last night, now if you'll excuse.” Kieran bit out and rose to his feet, Ynez watched as he placed his cup in the sink and exited the room. Ynez blinked and allowed a pensive frown to draw her lips downwards, she didn't miss thr look Evian and Orion shared. The wolves rose and moved out and into the snow-covered backyard, their forms already shifting. They'd practice for a bit and catch a few bits of conversation as they ran around. ○~○~○~○~○~○ Kieran walked with quiet and heavy footsteps. His destination wasn't clear but his feet guided him forward. The smell of poolwater and a familiar set of doors met him a fee moments later, he pushed them open and walked inside. It was quiet in the room and for that he was grateful for, he took a seat in one of the furthest seats and began to ponder. Ryanair had migrated somewhere but kept their bond quiet, it was blocked but the silence in his mind relaxed him. He didn't deserve the blonde who he'd turned, he really didn't deserve the friends he had not if be was being honest. With a sigh he closed his eyes and allowed his head to fall against the chairs cushioned back.[/center] [@earlymorninstar]