[i]Congraulations The great Government of the People's republic of Ploastan has given you a job at the first ever TV and Newspaper Station. You shall support us and help the people know of the glorious deed the great Government does. Your family stays in the upper-middle-class area of Zaan and is given above average access to luxuries. A car, well-kept food, your own maid, butler, and gardener. You'll be given also hot water at all times of the day, running electricity, plus fast internet and food access. Glory to Ploastan![/i] [b] >-Connection to Computer1 -...... -Granted If you are reading this we need help, we are the liberation army of Ploastan. We know you are good people.. please follow these instructions and we'll grant you the same if not better positions. This government is corrupt and is fueled by the oligarchs. Help the common man! -.... -> Log off [/b] [hider=OOC Info] Thanks for taking your time reading this! Now, if you felt intrigued by the intro then me explain it in further. Your character works at a joint TV/Newspaper station run by a capitalist-fueled government. The Government has had coups and attempted rebellions in the past and now wants to place it's foot down on them.. so what better way than bribery? You pick your job and report into work every day. Me the GM will simulate the world for you based on your choices. Yes, there is an end goal, character death IS possible if you play your cards wrong but the main goal for me is to create a fun roleplay where drama, intrigue and good IC posts are made. The Era is Modern, Iphones and such but the world is make believe. High Casual with 1-3 Paragraphs at least. This is an interest check if you want to join, will also be posting this on the casual form [/hider] [hider=Character Sheets] In case you get eager I'll be approving positions also in the interest checks Name: Age: Appearance: Past Job before this: Family: (The Gov. wants people with families to work... I wonder why..) History: (Two Paragraphs) Postion: (Editor, Cameramen, even sports and weather people are needed!) [/hider]