Nothing would get past Anzo's watchful eye! That is, if he was actually paying attention and urm... in his tower. "Another meat 'n' cheese sandwich." The dung beetle was avoiding his duties at his usual getaway spot, and he was enjoying every second of his self-given break. Grabbing his food as soon as possible, he left enough money before getting up to return to his post at a snail's pace, not being especially eager to return to his tower. Guarding was one of the most boring occupations, comprised entirely of waiting, waiting, in addition to waiting some more. The ease of the job was part of the reason the bug took up the job, along with part of the reason he wasn't engaged in it. Greeting his fellows villagers the whole walk, his tower eventually came in range. "Ahh, finally get to relax," Anzo said to himself before plopping down in his chair atop the tower and taking out his sandwich. It was such a beautiful day. The big beetle started gobbling on his sandwich. The sun was out and the clouds were perfectly puffy. His sandwich was really good, and so all was good. Looking around, he just took it all in. Birds soaring, children playing, and the clock tower ticking, getting to see the village in action from so high up was definitely one of the perks to being a guard. Anzo made a note to himself on the way down to look at it some more, after he got another sandwich, of course. Nothing seriously bad ever happened in Winding, so he didn't have to be in his tower. Well, at least that's what Anzo thought as he bought sandwiches for him and some compadres, once again neglecting his duties.