Smashing! Anyway, here's an intro to what I have so far. Again, I'm being as non-specific as possible about Tobiax's stuff to avoid contradictions. Am I safe with this? [i]Just as events were settling down in Kongero Nui after the creation of the new Toa and their subsequent adventures, a new event has had many Matoran talking. For a long time, the inhabitants of Kongero Nui had assumed that they were alone in the Endless Ocean, that the Great Spirit had created but one homeland for his children. They were wrong. Now, a single Ga-Matoran has washed up on the Kongero Nui coast, clinging to the shell of a broken-masted sailboat. When taken ashore by the Kongero Nuian coastguard and given food and shelter, he began to speak of strange things, saying that his name was Patai and he was born in another place, far across the sea. He claims to have been out fishing when he was suddenly set upon, attacked, by a storm that seemed almost unnatural, even malevolent. Driven out to sea by the ferocious wind and waves, he was unable to sight land when it abated. His boat was too damaged to sail, so he drifted aimlessly in the open ocean for a long time before finally happening upon Kongero Nui, almost at death’s door. Moreover, he claims that the storm wasn’t his only trouble. That many strange things had been happening on his home island far away, that evil has been awakened. *** Hearing all of this, Turaga Kalu and the Toa Kongero held council and agreed that, given the restored peace of Kongero Nui and the Duty of Toa to aid and protect Matoran, that the team should return with Patai to his homeland, and do what they can for the Matoran of that island before returning home. Already, a large ship is being prepared for the outward voyage. It will be a new adventure into the unknown. *** [/i]