[center][@Scarifar] [h2][b][color=39b54a]Doomguy[/color] - Gourd Lake[/b][/h2][/center] As Doomguy holds the sign for the Spy to read, he tries to check around for some sort of building for the two to take refuge in. At least the place wasn't crawling with demons or some other hell abomination... or maybe a little disappointing really. Regardless, there was a blanket of peace that surrounds this place. Eventually, he manages to locate a shack off in the distance, along with a dock and some boats as well. There should be some shelter and supplies waiting to be looted... if no one happens to be there. Doomguy taps Spy on the soldier and points to the location, giving a jerk of the head towards the location as he begins walking over there. It seems as if he wanted the Spy to follow him to there.... [hr][hr] [center][@Kafka Komedy] [h2][b][color=black]Bayonetta[/color] - [color=39b54a]Hyrule Fields[/color][/b][/h2][/center] As Bayonetta fires at the skeletons, the sword the girl carries begins to address the situation to her. [color=00a99d][i]"They'll keep popping up no matter how many you kill. We need your help getting to a safe place."[/i][/color] it says. Just then, a few more skeletons appeared behind the two, with the Witch quickly dispersing of them with a quick twirl of her waist. They seemed to be much more fragile then the Angels back in her world. [color=00a99d][i]"Though, if you know where to go, we're all ears."[/i][/color] Bayo then points at the castle in the distance with one of her guns, firing on a skeleton with her other gun. [color=black][b]"Well it seems you two are just in luck."[/b][/color] she announces, [color=black][b]"I was heading over to that castle to the east before you both called me. We should be able to get some shelter there. Follow me."[/b][/color] And with a signal mentioning Red to come, the witch runs off towards the castle, firing upon any other skeletons that get in her way.