[color=00aeef][h3]Alison~[/h3][/color] [color=00aeef]"I hope that someone I remind you of was pleasant. I would hate to bring up memories of someone you possibly disliked"[/color]Alison replied with a little bit of nervousness in her tone as she stepped through the moss covered doorway. In that moment,any of those previous doubts that were still rolling around in her mind were completely washed away by that instant feeling of being home or somewhere completely safe. It reminded her a lot of how her grandma's house looked and it gave her a warmth, even comfort in the unknown. She barely registered the being asked to sit though her head nodded in response, her eyes were taking in everything and wanting to know so many things that she didn't understand. Alison found herself sliding into a plush red chair, relaxing as her savior flitted around the kitchen in preparation of making tea to go along with their conversation as Ali absent mindlessly light ran the tips of her fingers over the scraps on her arm. They were red before but now they were actually a little painful if not itchy but she didn't want to bring up her discomfort since she could still withstand the irritation. She perked up, her attention focusing once more to the other woman in the room as she spoke up about hallway, mention a cabin that contained a balm to help her with her current injuries. A blush of embarrassment made its way onto her features as she was wonder if she was really that easy to read or if the other had been worried about her. Alison quickly moved down the hallway, looking for the cabinet that the other spoke of and was fighting being curious enough to check out other rooms in the hall. She didn't want to be rude after all but it was very tempting to say the least. It was relatively easy to find the small cabinet, thank goodness and upon opening it she was also thankful that she was given a description or she could have easily pullout out the wrong one. She carefully removed the butterfly stopper, smiling a bit at what a wonderful design the bottle had. Alison lifted to her nose first, surprised by how pleasant the mysterious contents smell before she took a good enough amount to cover the wounds she had received. Once a coat was applied, she put the stopper back in and returned it to its original spot before heading back to the kitchen and finding a happy mint colored cup of tea awaiting her as well as the one to answer all her questions. She sat down before the cup of tea, pouring a splash of cream in as well as a spoonful of sugar and giving a light stir before placing the spoon aside. She left the teacup where it was for now, her eyes moving to look at the other before she spoke.[color=00aeef]"I have so many things to ask that I don't really know where to start. I guess the most logical would be how I got here? And where here is exactly because I know I am not dreaming or at least it doesn't feel like a dream....Also who is the Red Queen and why are you so worried about her?[/color]