[hider=Turk] Name: Silloko Turrkluhgon Uurgus. ...his friends call him Turk. Age: 46 Race: Urloj, A race of reptilian humanoids. Appearance: He stands at about six feet, with a spindly thin frame and long arms. His face structure looks like that of an amphibious dinosaur. He has large, shiny, yellow reptilian eyes and small slit nostrils and a head that extends forward. Other than that, he is a bipedal upright standing humanoid. His skin is composed of red and orange scales that aren't very slimy at all, but upon contact with water his scales stay wet for a long time. Such is life for a cold-blooded species. His hands have webbed, clawed fingers that are very dexterous, and from his mouth a long, snake-like tongue can curl forth. Personality: Turk is an experienced Urloj, and with his experiences comes a sort of wisdom. He may not be smart or educated, but has a lot of something called common sense. He's not very literate, and he doesn't know a lot about your fancy pants magic, but he can start a fire, tie a knot and sail a ship just fine, if you ask him. He's not at all ambitious, instead choosing to enjoy the simple things in life. That being said, he's very patriotic, and has is very keen on representing his country in this new land. He's rough around the edges but isn't mean-spirited. Abilities: Turk, as an Urloj, is naturally and extremely talented at swimming. Turk is a carnivore, diet consisting of raw fish and insects as his diet. He's cold blooded, which means he does need to occasionally stop and rest in the sun. He's a trained veteran sailor of the Urlojian Royal Navy. Another trait of the Urloj is being able to hold their breath for a very, very long time. Salvaged Item: A small dagger, perfect for cutting ropes and knots on a ship. History: Turk grew up in a small fishing town outside the Capitol of Urlojgoka. He led a very rural existence, and really was a perfect patriot of his country which he had grown to love and respect. To protect his homeland from any and all threats, he joined the Royal Urlojian Navy, the finest Navy in the world. He protected the coast for a long while, and would have climbed high up the ranks had he accepted the promotions. No, Turk said he wasn't fit to lead, even though every crew respected him onboard the ships he sailed. He much preferred to raise the sails himself. When the call went out for a crew to sail to the new world, Turk was more than willing to step on board The Arrowhead. Nation of Origin: Urlojgoka Nation Lore: Urlojgoka is a nation comprised mostly of archipelago, to the north-east of the rest of the continent. It is one of the smallest nations, with only a few million people inhabiting the warm waters. Thousands and thousands of years ago, they were but a collection of warring tribes battling each other with long canoes, jumping into the water to do battle under the waves. They have since been united, but there is still remnants of these long lost days in the culture of modern Urlojgoka; for a popular sport revolves around two teams in canoes attempting to capsize the other. A great admiral and warlord known as Uurgu (a name which has found derivatives of itself in many families last name, such as Turk's) united the islands and founded Urlojgoka. From there they expanded, eventually taking claim to the rest of the other islands. It was not as easy, for the native species of the island were savage evolutionary off spring from the Urloj. The Urloj became victorious over their counterparts a decade later, as a result they developed powerful naval ships to assist them in their conquests. Since then, they have stayed mostly to their own business, defending their territory with one of the largest navies in the world. During times of war, several nations attempted to take the resource-rich islands for themselves, but all failed in the end. Only one invasion managed to get to the Capitol city, and in an event that is still sung about today, twenty thousand Urlojian militia men and guards swam to the water and overran the enemy ships by climbing up the hulls and killing the crew on board. During times of peace, they spend most of their time exporting valuable sea-goods like pearls and exotic foods that most other nations don't have regular access too. It's quite a sight to see all of a civilian ship's crew leap overboard to look for underwater natural treasures. Other: He has a strange, rough but bubbly accent. [/hider]