[hider=Hiraku Akiyama] [color=fff200]APPLYING FOR YELLOW KING[/color] [color=fff200]Name:[/color] Hiraku Akiyama [秋山 拓] [color=fff200]Age:[/color] 17 [color=fff200]Normal Appearance:[/color] [hider][img]http://pre02.deviantart.net/4623/th/pre/f/2012/307/2/8/sketch_katsu_by_shadowthewolf71-d5juwqk.png[/img][/hider] [color=fff200]Brain Burst Installed/Brust Linker?:[/color] Yes. His guardian will be elaborated on in time. [color=fff200]Avatar Appearance:[/color] [hider][img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/534e/th/pre/f/2016/194/e/1/jon_warbles__byyrd_of_para_slice_by_jouste-da9uilz.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=fff200]Dueling Avatar Name:[/color] Yellow Jammer [color=fff200]Dueling Avatar Appearance:[/color] [hider][img]https://i.gyazo.com/87358140ba95ec60928e9d13b4ee9f97.png[/img][/hider] [color=fff200]Rank:[/color] 9 [color=fff200]Legion?:[/color] [i]Yellow/Flavum Regnum[/i]. [color=fff200]Personality:[/color] Hiraku is a person who is rather outgoing and friendly. His alignment in Brain Burst comes from his mixed desires of wanting to overcome obstacles with tact and skill and wanting to protect those he cares about. His emotions can be volatile, and he is known to have sudden depressive slumps, where he doesn't leave his house for days. If one manages to get into contact with him during these slumps, they would see that instead of being opinionated and strong-willed he is much more apathetic and easy to sway. [color=fff200]Other:[/color] He is known to write quite often, both in and out of slumps. Out of emotional slumps, he writes stories. In them, he writes music and music lyrics.[/hider] (thanks to the homies "jouste" and "shadowthewolf" for the images. dueling avatar image from unknown source.) [hider=Isamu Muto] [color=888888]Name:[/color] Isamu Muto [武藤 勇] [color=888888]Age:[/color] 17 [color=888888]Normal Appearance:[/color] [hider][img]http://pre10.deviantart.net/419f/th/pre/i/2016/122/8/f/sparkle_or_sth_by_taro_kunn-da101vv.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=888888]Brain Burst Installed/Brust Linker?:[/color] Yes [color=888888]Avatar Appearance:[/color] [hider][img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/6079/f/2016/174/6/c/pactum__damn_near_killed__um_by_jouste-da7e6xt.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=888888]Dueling Avatar Name:[/color] Steel Driver [color=888888]Dueling Avatar Appearance:[/color] [hider][img]http://coolvibe.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Sci-Fi-Art-Juan-Pablo-Roldan-Space-Soldier-992x1499.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=888888]Rank:[/color] 6 [color=888888]Legion?:[/color] Unaligned/Metal [color=888888]Personality:[/color] Isamu is a quiet kid, one that prefers to be a follower rather than a leader in the real world. He only really has full conversations with those he's good friends with. He fights in Brain Burst to keep the privilege of using the Burst Link, as well as to prove everyone wrong about him being weak. Since he is a metal type, this makes it all the more challenging, which may seem like a turn off to some, but not to him. His name means "brave" and "warrior", and by God is he going to live up to those expectations. [color=888888]Other:[/color] His dueling avatar has no gimmicks (no flight, stuff like that). He has normal abilities, like any other would have, but he himself is an exceptional fighter, one who is more than capable of holding his own.[/hider] (thanks to the homies jouste and taro-kunn for the pics! once again, dueling avatar source unknown.) [hider=Shiori Ikeda][color=D3D3D3]Name:[/color] Shiori Ikeda [池田 栞] [color=D3D3D3]Age: 17[/color] [color=D3D3D3]Normal Appearance:[/color] [hider][img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/749e/th/pre/f/2016/196/6/3/sound_of_goodbye_by_aditalfian-daa307i.png[/img][/hider] [color=D3D3D3]Brain Burst Installed/Brust Linker?:[/color] Yes. [color=D3D3D3]Avatar Appearance:[/color] [hider][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/6702/f/2016/196/2/2/cf2ae20sdsdasadasdasdsadsaasffb2_by_hekro-daa38q4.gif[/img][/hider] [color=D3D3D3]Dueling Avatar Name:[/color] Argent Shifter [color=D3D3D3]Dueling Avatar Appearance:[/color] [hider][color=a2d39c][u]DEFENSIVE STANCE[/u][/color][img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/c72fd3307cad6568795d921691053a48/tumblr_nwk82vXfws1rc85kko1_500.jpg[/img] [color=7bcdc8][u]OFFENSIVE STANCE[/u][/color][img]http://img15.deviantart.net/040f/i/2012/053/d/4/evil_robot_fallen_angel_mecha_by_mecha_master-d4ql92q.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=D3D3D3]Rank: 7[/color] [color=D3D3D3]Legion?:[/color] [i]White/Dyrnwyn[/i] [color=D3D3D3]Personality:[/color] Shiori, despite her feminine features and dressings, is considered a tomboy by many. Rather than do what most girls do (move around in droves, gossiping, etc.), she prefers going out on her own, exploring the town she lives in. When not playing Brain Burst, she is usually found training her body or her mentality, usually in the form of rigorous physical training. Her dueling avatar's large, hulking appearance stems from her desire to protect others, yet also her desire to show her strength to the world. Because of these conflicting desires, her avatar is prone to change during battles to whichever desire burns stronger within her. [color=D3D3D3]Other:[/color] She lives in the basement of her parents' house, which she has since converted into a half-gym, half-bedroom, where one side of the large room holds her bed, dresser, etc., while the other side has a treadmill, punching bag, weight lifting bench and more to offer.[/hider] (thanks to the homies "aditalfian", "mech_master/Daniel A. White" and "hekro" for the refs. defensive stance source is unknown.)