[color=Blue] [center] [h1] Cu Chulainn, Lancer [/h1] [/center] [/color] [center] Wednesday, November 17th, 2015 Plaza San Francisco, Just Outside The Bounded Field-Covered Building [/center] [@Holy Grail] [@Beloss] [@Raijinslayer] [color=blue] "Oi, no real reason you should have to apologize there, Master. Politeness is only going to get you so far.. I’m going to have to ask that you do not get so close with my Master. Would prefer to avoid an incident right now. Only really here to get some food and spirits. Can't say I am against a fight though.” [/color] Lancer was a man who had died rather early in his life. Hardly years past since he became a knight to his horrible death at the hands of a certain Queen. However, in his short life it could be said that he had rushed through most of it. Perhaps it wasn’t really his sort of role to inform people on the right choices regarding intelligent life decisions. After all, with such a short life of burning the candle at both ends, Lancer never really got to understand a lot of the ramifications of his individual actions. He simply did as he pleased during his life, nothing more and nothing left. However, unlike his former link-based messages he had given to his Master only moments prior, this one was said out loud. Perhaps it was a sort of crude statement over the other’s haste rather than anything beneficial to his Master, though Lancer might have been more inclined to discuss the current situation directly with the enemy Servant. After all, Lancer wasn’t exactly the sort of person to skirt around any sort of issues. Hence why right after Lancer went to the core of the issue and directly referenced what he had taken exception to. [color=blue] “Guess it doesn’t really matter in the end though. Did you get any sort of stats from that Servant? You need to look at them with your Master’s clairvoyance enabled to gather any sort of data, but I am sure you knew that already, no?” [/color] Lancer continues the conversation with the link this time, understanding that the information might be a bit more conspicuous in construction rather than the frivolous conversation he had only prior. After all, even if Lancer was the sort to fight against anyone, even his son who refused to present Lancer with his own name as an oath to his Mother. Regardless of the information they had on the target, it wasn’t like he was completely averse to obtaining any slight information on his target, though considering the limited information had upon the target, the most they would likely get were his stats. However, Lancer had been watching the Asian looking man when he had come close to his Master. After all, any sudden movements would have ended up with a blade into his opponent or worse yet, a blade into either himself or his Master. But to Lancer, the man who had approached his Master seemed all but harmful. Perhaps the sort of individual who never truly enjoyed the sight of battle, but regardless as a participant of the war would have to shed the blood of those whom he had never had grudges with in order to obtain the Grail and a wish. Perhaps it could be said that Lancer was a bit disappointed that the Asian Servant or his Master had not tried to cause a commotion against his camp. After all, to Lancer this entire battle was for the battle rather than after the battle. As life, he cared not for why he fought, but rather for the purpose of who he was fighting. A man who wanted only for the strongest to prove his blade against. Despite this, perhaps out of fear or awe, the opposing Master had taken preemptive measures to ensure that Lancer couldn’t strike him down in the event it was ordered. However, when approached by the Asian Servant, hardly an eye was batted by his own Master. If there was any sort of doubt to Lancer's mind that he had rolled a good Master, this action within itself was show enough. [color=blue] “Not bad, Master. You either have complete trust in my protection skills, or you are just braver than I thought you are,” [/color] Lancer commented through a link. That was about the point where his Master had chosen to enter the building. And so too entered Lancer, staying ever vigilant or any sort of issues might he have against any other camp in this war. [going to: Plaza San Francisco, Luncheon-Reserved Building]