"Ouch..." Takao rubbed his head from the short fall. Just the mere entrance of the tower and he fell into such a stupid trap. Oh wait, was that even a trap in the first place? The hinges seemed obvious enough from just now. "And where am I?" Takao got up, now gazing upon those murals. "If someone could translate that to me, that would be great~" He hissed, looking around on those walls, he ain't much into history actually, 'cause it doesn't really concern a person like him at all~ [i]I mean, what kind of necrophiliacs would be interested in people who are already dead for like 1000 years or something O_O ...[/i] For now, he will wait for the rest of the team. and also, Nature's call, he went to one corner and relieved himself while waiting. After all, from what he have heard, the tower belongs to some evil Queen (his history was off), so nobody would mind, and he would be doing everyone a favour~