[b]Nation[/b]: Vellonia Grand Duchy [@Lauder] [b]Government[/b]: Constitutional Monarchy [b]Population[/b]: 38,130,743 [b]Ruler/Regent[/b]: Grand Duchess Murial Vellonia [b]Popularity[/b]: 6 [b]International Popularity[/b]: 1 [b]Stability[/b]: 5 [b]Economy[/b]: 270 [b]Trade[/b]: 30 [b]Income[/b]: 340 [b]Land Units[/b]: 1 [b]Naval Units[/b]: 3 + 1 Iron Clad Unit [b]Manpower[/b]: 38 More Land Units or Conscripts [b]Conscripts[/b]: 0 [b]Colonies[/b]: Colonial Income 120-60 Uncontrolled Trade [i]Colony A[/i] 20 [i]Colony B[/i] 30 [i]Colony C[/i] 10 [i]Colony D[/i] 20 [i]Colony E[/i] 10 [i]Colony F[/i] 30 [b]Traits[/b]: -[i]The Ironclad[/i] , You are one of the few or only nation to deploy such as beast of the seas , with an Ironhull and moved by steam engines it is the fear of your enemies and the pride of your admirals and captains , you get +1 Very Advanced and Very Good Naval Unit , you can purchase one at 100 credits until at least 5 nations have the tech to make their own ironclads then it becomes a normal naval unit , because everyone will come up to the standard sooner or later.+1 Popularity -[i]Large Share of Colonies[/i] You get 6 colonies around the world , more than most can say and maintain -[i]Great General[/i]: Your army has one of the best generals in the entire world , maybe experience or talent , few can match his strategies and tactics , in any battle he is in you get plus modifiers to combat and morale , besides you get +1 Popularity , however , if he dies you get -2 popularity as your nation cries for this terrible loss. [b]Current Circumstances[/b]: -[i]Irredentism[/i]: Your nation wishes to recover a lost territory and your politicians want to carry out that sentiment , may you decide to do it or not. Plus to war against X country and a claim to that X country too. ( X will be filled once borders are defined) -[i]Socialism Home[/i]: Your nation is experiencing a certain kind of new movement that while small is making some people think strange things such as revolution and no property rights , maybe this is nonsense to the politicians but soon it may change [b]National Problem[/b]: -[i]Uncontrolled Trade[/i]: The only that affects this is your colonial Income and it reduces it to half [b]Overview[/b]: -Corruption is almost inexistent -Both your Navy and Army are very good both in tech and efficiency -You are well industrialized -No rebellions any time soon