[COLOR=lightpink][hr][hr][center][b][u][h2]Tokyo, Shibuya Crossing[/h2][/u][/b][/center][hr][hr][/COLOR] She bit off more than she could chew, that was for sure. Here she was, in some random part of Tokyo, facing off against a monstrous being with a GIANT sword that seemed to have the ability to make his own minions using those star things. And there were tentacles. Well only in Japan.... "No time for jokes," she thought. Now was the time for action. The tentacles came up surprisingly, and she and the other heroes had very little time to react. A few of them ran off, one woman zapping the pedestrians with a stun gun, she assumed. "Nice work," she thought. It would keep them out of harm's way. Another man shouted a phrase she was almost positive she heard before when lighting came out. She would have marveled at that, but the tentacles weren't just there for show as they lunged for them. Reacting quickly, Felicity threw her arms out, [color=lightpink]"Now now, hold on there boys."[/color] At that instant, her force field appeared surrounding her and the remaining heroes on the ground. The big Starro would be pushed back and couldn't get through. Each hit or attempt at them would be costly, but she held it up as much as she could[color=lightpink]"I can't hold this out for long, figure out a way to stop the tentacles and we can focus on ugly guy over there."[/color]