[h2]Mako Moritomi//???[/h2] [h3]Monday, June 29, 2015[/h3] ==~== [color=royalblue]"Welcome to the Velvet Room."[/color] Mako's eyes opened. He felt... surprisingly energetic, considering what had happened the last time he'd been awake. He looked around the room, eyes drinking in the blue-and-black coloring, the dinner party aesthetic. His eyes caught the other two individuals sharing the room with him, both dressed in immaculate formal attire. Which, come to think of it, he did feel rather stiff... He looked down at himself, admiring the suit he found himself in. [color=0076a3][i]...Okay. Nice. I could get used to this.[/i][/color] He glanced at the head of the table as he heard the voice from before speak again. And then did a double-take. [color=0076a3][i]My god... that is the longest nose I have ever seen. Why...? How...?[/i][/color] He wisely decided not to voice his observations as the long-nosed man went on, talking about a contract, or some such. Contract... yes. The dreams. That must be what he was talking about. Mako smiled, feeling pleased with himself at being proven correct in his assumptions. [color=royalblue]"You..."[/color] Mako jumped as he realized the long-nosed man- Igor- was addressing him. [color=royalblue]"...Have drawn the Moon Arcana."[/color] Mako raised an eyebrow, looking down at the Moon symbol in front of him. [color=0076a3][i]Arcana. As in Tarot? Is that what this is about? Some sort of motif for those of us who've been chosen, or whatever?[/i][/color] He didn't know much about Tarot, to be honest- barely enough to know that the Moon was an Arcana, not enough to know what it meant. Luckily, Igor went on to explain to him. Mako shrank under the critique- or perhaps what he imagined as a critique- nodding silently at the man's assessment as he remembered his twisted other self. [color=0076a3][i]"Delusions of a madman." Appropriate, I suppose, but I'm going to fix that.[/i][/color] He sat silently through the other two's assessments, only reacting when the woman he'd been seeing in his dreams began passing out keys, placing one in front of him. He picked his up, scrutinizing it, wondering how he'd be able to return here. Perhaps in his dreams. Well, other dreams, assuming he was correct in calling this a dream. Igor finished speaking, bidding them farewell as Mako's vision swam, fading into blackness once again. He was getting tired of how often that seemed to be happening to him lately. He closed his eyes as darkness closed in on him... ==~== [h2]Mako Moritomi//Warakuma Hospital[/h2] [h3]Monday, June 29, 2015[/h3] ==~== ...and opened his eyes in the hospital. He looked down at the hospital gown he was clad in, sighing softly. [color=0076a3][i]Hm. Wish I could have kept the suit.[/i][/color] He leaned back in his bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about everything that had happened. If, indeed, it had happened, and he wasn't merely suffering some sort of psychotic delusion. He concentrated slightly, extending his awareness of himself. Including the strange, warm sensation in the back of his head, and the minor burns on his palms and knees from the flames his Shadow had released. No, this wasn't a delusion- that had all happened after all. Which meant... what exactly? It was funny- now that he had the answers he'd sought, he had even more questions about this whole mess. Where had he been taken to? Where, aside from the obvious, had his Shadow come from? How did the others- and now him, he supposed- use their gifts, their... Personas? Personae? Stands? He shook his head. He'd get nowhere speculating on his own. Better that he get his answers from someone who knew, who could actually set the record straight for him. [color=0076a3][i]The four who came to save me. I should have a word with one of them. Pity I don't know any of their names- it would be easier to talk to someone I already know, and have some sort of rapport with.[/i][/color] No sooner had he thought this than his door opened, admitting one Sato Hashimoto into his room. Mako blinked, unsure whether or not the universe was doing him a favor, or simply continuing to kick him in the balls. It was probably something to do with the latter, given his luck as of late. "Umm... H-hey, Moritomi. It's me," said Sato, shuffling nervously as he stood there at his door. "I just came by to check on you. Y'know, because some people in my class heard about it, and they were worried." Mako couldn't help it- he smiled, even chuckled weakly. It was rather... cute, yes, fine, [i]cute[/i]- that he was being so coy about coming to see him. And especially about why and how he came to know he was here. Mako raised an eyebrow, still smiling warmly. [color=0076a3]"Heard from your classmates, eh? Those... those wouldn't happen to be the ones who came and saved me... would they?"[/color] He paused for a second before continuing. [color=0076a3]"I'm not off-base in saying that, am I? That you know what happened to me? Because... because it's what happened to you? It's all conjecture, I admit- inferences and such. But there's too many coincidences, too many things that are the same. There's too much I can't ignore about what happened to the both of us, so I'm going to assume that your kidnapping happened in much the same manner as mine did?"[/color] He frowned then, realizing something. [color=0076a3]"The... the other two. The ones who were with me at the cafe, when we were taken. They're okay, right? They're alive?"[/color]